The Unique Sebright Chicken With The Laced Plumes

Did you know that just like with dogs and cats, there are different breeds of chicken? One of the coolest ones are the Sebright Chicken.

They are also one of the most popular chicken breeds for poultry contests due to the design of their plumage and their colours. They come in brown and white like most chicken but also have black outline on each plume.

However, they are apparently difficult to breed thus there’s not too many of them. All in all, they’re pretty unique and today we’re looking at some of their best photos.

Let us know what you think about our poultry friends fellow lazy penguins!

The Famous Sebright Chicken

Sebright Chicken
Sebright Chicken

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Sebright Chicken
Sebright Chicken

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Sebright Chicken
Sebright Chicken

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Sebright Chicken
Sebright Chicken

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Sebright Chicken
Sebright Chicken

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Sebright Chicken
Sebright Chicken

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Sebright Chicken
Sebright Chicken

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