30 most terrifying deep sea creatures

Did you know that over 70% of the surface of our planet (Earth if you didn’t know) is covered with water? This impressive figure is enough to wake all kinds of surprising questions about how much we really know about life in the oceans. Especially if we start thinking about the huge number of species that live there and Wikipedia has not written about them yet!

Strange looking creatures do not only inhabit the planet’s surface, but also at the sea. Next you will have the chance to see some of the most bizarre and terrifying creatures living in the depths of the ocean. “HT” list25.com

30. Comb Jelly

Comb Jelly
Comb Jelly

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Comb jellies (Ctenophora) belong to a verge of invertebrates that inhabit marine waters around the world. The name jelly comb is derived from the plates of giant fused cilia that run in rows above and below their bodies. Comb jellies are the largest creatures that use cilia to aid movement. Comb jellies live in different marine environments around the world. Jellies have a soft, transparent, gelatinous body made up of a mass of gelatin. Their bodies are made up of two layers of cells on the outside and a lining on the inner cavity. The creatures measure from 4 feet to 11 feet in length. There are two 50-foot-long tentacles that extend from the sheath near the aboral end and are filled with colloblasts and cilia. Combs jellies are bioluminescent and have protein tissues that undergo chemical reactions to produce blue or green light in response to bright light. In addition, they have a statocyst located at the aboral end that helps balance. If a comb jelly is tilted backwards, the statolith and neural signals help tilt the comb jelly into its normal position by distinctively lashing the comb rows. Most species of comb jellies have an oval shape with a mouth at one end and anal pores at the other end. Comb jellies live in a variety of marine waters worldwide. They are adapted to tolerate a wide range of conditions in reference to temperatures, oxygen levels, salinity, and overall water quality. They are found mainly in large quantities in the shallow waters of the estuaries and bays of the Pacific Ocean. Oddly enough, the expansion of the oceans by humans in the form of piers, oil drilling platforms and underwater constructions provide ample breeding grounds for comb jellies. Due to their ability to survive in different aquatic environments, they have invaded the Caspian, Black and Baltic Seas. As of 2013, they were listed among the worst invasive alien species in the world by the World Invasive Species Program.

29. Goblin Shark

Goblin Shark
Goblin Shark

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28. Fangtooth


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27. Scorpionfish

Scorpion Fish
Scorpion Fish

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26. Glass Squid

Glass Squid
Glass Squid

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25. Viperfish


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24. Pompeii Worm

Pompeii Worm
Pompeii Worm

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23. Megamouth Shark

Megamouth Shark
Megamouth Shark

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22. Blue Ringed Octopus

Blue Ringed Octopus
Blue Ringed Octopus

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21. Grenadier

Abyssal Grenadier
Abyssal Grenadier

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20. Barreleye


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19. Hatchetfish


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18. Snaggletooth


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17. Dragonfish


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16. Frilled Shark

Frilled Shark
Frilled Shark

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15. Big Red Jellyfish

Big Red Jellyfish
Big Red Jellyfish

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14. Giant Squid

Giant Squid
Giant Squid

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13. Blobfish


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12. Coffinfish


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11. Giant Isopod

Giant Isopod
Giant Isopod

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10. Stargazer Fish

Stargazer Fish
Stargazer Fish

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9. Chimaera Fish

Chimaera Fish
Chimaera Fish

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8. Amphipod


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7. Pacific Blackdragon Fish

Pacific Blackdragon
Pacific Blackdragon

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6. Dumbo Octopus

Dumbo Octopus
Dumbo Octopus

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5. Anglerfish


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4. Gulper Eel

Gulper Eel
Gulper Eel

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3. Nudibranch


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2. Sea Pig

Sea Pig
Sea Pig

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1. Sea Cucumber

Sea Cucumber
Sea Cucumber

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