Having a nice presentation isn’t easy and often requires you to be creative. The main idea around powerpoint presentation is to appeal to your audience. There is no way you can achieve this without the right tools. Two significant things determine an excellent presentation – content and design. If you get these two tools, then you might be in the right direction to success. There are those who argue that speech is more important than visuals. And as much as they may be correct, the two items go together. Your presentation won’t stand out if you have a good speech and lack great visuals. The following tips can help you out:
Avoid using too many lines of text
It is okay to use lines in your text but regulate them so that there isn’t too much content. When you have a slide that has too much information, its purpose is lost. You can achieve this by getting rid of filler words and maintaining only the key points. The main idea behind a power point presentation is for the audience to get a visual representation of what you say. If you put in too many words, then it dismisses the need for narration. Besides, the audience should only get to see the main ideas in the most simple way. The slide is to act as a guide to those who are viewing your presentation.
Avoid the use of bullets
The main reason why you have slides is to use each one of them independently for different ideas. Therefore, it beats logic having all your thoughts in one slide using bullet points. This not only makes your work look clumsy and disorganized. It also disorients your presentations. This is often a mistake that made by the majority of people when preparing their slides. Besides, it is difficult for the audience to grasp information when it is all in bullet points on one slide. Slides are supposed to follow each other in an order that formulates a story. This way, you will capture people’s attention and have them yearning for what’s next.
Use the correct font sizes
A beautiful powerpoint presentation needs to have the proper font sizes. People shouldn’t struggle to visualize content in your slides because of the font size. Besides, it shouldn’t be too big making the work look disorganized. As a writer, you are probably used to the font size of your laptop, and this may deceive you into thinking it is the right one. When choosing a font size, you should consider the person sitting furthest, especially at the back. And to achieve this, you can randomly select different font sizes and print them for comparison, until you land on the ideal one.
Do not use too many colors
This is yet another crucial part of a powerpoint presentation overlooked by many. Using a lot of colors in your presentation doesn’t add a spark destroying it instead. After you are done writing the content for your powerpoint project, you need to edit it, adjusting the colors. In case you need help with powerpoint presentations or a fresh insight on, ask your friends, groupmates or a professor. They may do service and provide you with feedback, for example, if you should change the colors to more appealing to the eye, which don’t cause too much strain when viewing. If you are unsure of what type to choose, then you can use such tools as Adobe to get the right combination.
Know how to use images
Unfortunately, many writers lack powerpoint design tips that are useful in picking up and arranging images. There is no point adding images that will end up voiding your presentation of merits, and you’d instead leave them out. The basic rule is that if you are not sure of the images you want to use, don’t utilize them. After all, it is not a must for you to add pictures. You are not to choose an image that doesn’t blend with the content. Also, remember to use one picture or photo per slide and avoid placing a few of them in one place; it makes your work look disorganized.
Avoid using custom templates and themes
If you want help in making your presentation eye-catching, then you need to be unique. Using default templates and themes that come with your software is a remedy. Most people utilize these templates in many cases, making them a cliché. You won’t stand out with your presentation by using what everyone else is. You need to go the extra mile and create your own themes and templates. And if you can’t do that, then buy from online companies and websites that offer these services.
Make use of many visuals
Visuals are what bring life to a presentation. They are the difference between an exciting and boring presentation. Therefore, it is essential for you to add the right ones to your work. They help to back up your message and sometimes save you the trouble of unnecessary explanations that are lengthy and eat up time. They also help the audience to comprehend and retain what they view from your pitch. Visuals can also create emotional drive and act as a bridge to ferry your points across.
In summary, preparation for a powerpoint presentation requires you to know a lot about the ways of creating successful pieces. The tips above are some of the best you can use to boost your presentation. The main thing, however, is to have creativity.