A fox (named Todd) was raised and rescued by lovable human beings when it was only a fox cub. Todd (now 11 months old) is living the happy life of a family pet (in our case of a dog) with his owner Emma D’Sylva.
The fox (Todd) gets on very well with the owner’s two Labrador dogs (Oakley & Sky). Also, the fox plays fetch, wags his adorable and bushy fox-tail and walks on a leash as dogs do.
As a Lazy Penguin, sometimes I have a feeling I am a Labrador too, but cannot move my bushy fox tail as Todd does “H/T”:dailymail.
According to Emma “He will come into the house but he has got a purpose built enclosure and he much prefers being outside.”
Emma said “He is very playful with me. He will run up to me wagging his tail when I go to feed him and he will roll over to have his belly tickled.”