Amazing Concept Design From The Entertainment Industry By Eddie Del Rio

Have you watched Star Wars? Heard of Star Citizen? Today we are featuring an artist who has created art based on both of these and more! His name is Eddie Del Rio. He does concept design and all of his work has been absolutely stellar so far! He specializes in entertainment design which entails art for movies and video games. As you’ll notice most of it is Sci-Fi related.

The young artist from California started working for Lucasarts, the company responsible for Sat Wars, in 1998 and since then he has worked on many great projects and has gained a lot of experience. The concepts designed by him are very well detailed and the colours very captivating. Do you like this type of art fellow lazy penguins?

Let us know in the comments!

Source: Link

Xian Scout Flight

Xian Scout Flight
Xian Scout Flight

Xian Config

Xian Config
Xian Config

This is actually the Khartu-Al top ship from an upcoming space sim game called Star Citizen.

Ship Landed

Ship Landed
Ship Landed

Zord Attack

Zord Attack
Zord Attack

Fighter 01

Fighter 01
Fighter 01

AA Racing

AA Racing
AA Racing





Book Cover

Book Cover
Book Cover

Pod 04

Pod 04
Pod 04