A series of illustrations by Andrew Tarusov shows the lives of our favourite Looney Tunes characters in their retired years.
The depictions of the characters are quite harsh as they contain many brutally realistic elements, that one would not normally even consider associating with the cartoons of our childhood.
This involves medical conditions, addictions, poverty and other misfortunes which may have befallen the Looney Tunes characters as they reached the age of retirement. The art is well done and makes us see the cartoons in a different light as adults. It makes you wonder what else could have become of them and how did they end up as they appear in the illustrations.
Make sure to let us know what you think in the comments fellow https://lazypenguins.com.
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Buggs and Lola Bunny
Daffy Duck
Detective Daffy Duck? The cane definitely adds a nice touch to this one.