The Upset Animals Cartoons

Today’s featured artist is Ricardo Cabrita (an awesomely creative cartoonist) – we will let him introduce himself (and his work).

I’m, Ricardo Cabrita and my “work” is to give a “voice” to animals. Especially if they are upset and having unreal or nonsense problems! It can’t always be just stupid stuff, so sometimes behind the nonsense there’s something more to think about. The upset animals say thank you for your help by sharing these cartoons. You can make these animals less upset for a bit.
PS: by the way, no animal was harmed while making these cartoons.

Upset Animals Cartoons
Upset Animals Cartoons
Upset Animals Cartoons
Upset Animals Cartoons
Upset Animals Cartoons
Upset Animals Cartoons
Upset Animals Cartoons
Upset Animals Cartoons
Upset Animals Cartoons
Upset Animals Cartoons
Upset Animals Cartoons
Upset Animals Cartoons
Upset Animals Cartoons
Upset Animals Cartoons

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Upset Animals Cartoons

Upset Animals Cartoons
Upset Animals Cartoons
Upset Animals Cartoons
Upset Animals Cartoons
Upset Animals Cartoons
Upset Animals Cartoons
Upset Animals Cartoons
Upset Animals Cartoons
Upset Animals Cartoons
Upset Animals Cartoons
Upset Animals Cartoons
Upset Animals Cartoons
Upset Animals Cartoons
Upset Animals Cartoons