Alaskan Malamute is a breed of dogs that resemble Husky but are way more fluffier, and make some of the most adorable pups in the world! Although they start out small like all puppies, their long fur even from a young makes them seem much bigger, like a fluff-ball. When they grow up they retain…
Turtles are most likely the most adorable little reptiles in the world both on land and in the sea! Same as with most animals, their baby versions are ten times cuter than their adult versions! Besides being lovely, they are also one of the oldest reptiles on earth, even older than snakes and crocodiles! However, today…
It is not common to associate cows with terms such as fluffy or adorable but it’s possible! Today we’re looking at such cute examples! There are certain types of cows such as the Highland cattle that has unusually long fur for cows and they can be very fluffy around the face and all over their…
If you’ve ever had a big dog you’ll probably have experienced how they start out small but once they grow up they still think they can fit wherever they did when they were small. Unfortunately, that is simply not possible. A Labrador wont fit in its old puppy bed once it has grown up to…
As you may well know, Sloths are extremely slow and are often characterized as lazy but what about their babies? As one would expect, they’re also very slow moving but also very adorable! Today we’re taking a look at the little mammals that appear to have a cute smile on their faces as they go…
Cats cats cats —- Lazy Penguins love catsssssss. As we all know cats are very famous online, they are like little models (painted with rainbow colours, various style clothing). Even though their owners do their best to make their cats stand out from the crowd cannot be compared to what nature itself can do with these…
Everyone that lives near the snow and has owned a dog knows that man’s best friend goes totally crazy when playing with the cold white. Of course, there are always exception but the pups on the following list are definitely not part of them! Rarely you will see a dog that hates the snow so…
Things we know about cats and dogs. Cats = selfish, rude & lazy Dogs = cheerful, playful & irrepressible. We Lazy Penguins love both cats and dogs (equally) for having these distinctive qualities while giving this well-needed pleasure in our lives. Bird Born, an awesome artist has representing the differences between cats and dogs in his unique…
Meerkats are the little animals that you’ll see standing upright in the desert, also known as Suricates. You’ll usually see groups of them walking on all fours and suddenly stopping to stand on two legs to observe what’s going on in the distance. This is part of the Meerkat’s charm and what makes them so cute…
Would you like to see the cutest and excited faces of dogs as they’re about to receive their favourite treat? Here you go! Photographer took some incredible photos of dogs as they are just about to or right after catching their treats! The stills are hilarious and adorable as the treats go flying towards the dogs’…