As the years have rolled on, your rights as a disabled worker have slowly begun to increase. Of course, while law and expectations are changing, some smaller firms refuse to make costly changes for disabled people due to the high spending involved. Consequently, you may assume that your rights may be infringed upon in the workplace, or that you may not be shown the same degree of care and attention as your co-workers.
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However, many workplaces are now targeting their hires toward disabled people, opening up opportunities to all. No doubt navigating the job market or workplace with a disability can be tough, but there are a few handy workarounds to beat an unfair system. Here is a list of things that are helpful to remember when navigating the world of work as a disabled person.
Your Rights as a Disabled Worker
The best place to begin, knowing your rights as a disabled worker will set you up for success. In the event there is a problem, you must be equipped to beat it. Whether it’s workplace bullying, discrimination, or adjustments that need to be made because of your disability, knowing your rights will help you fight for a fair working environment.
To ensure disabled rights are upheld, UK employers are bombarded with legislation that instructs them on how they must recruit disabled persons and manage them respectfully. For example, you can’t be made redundant or forced to retire because of your disability, nor must you inform everyone of your disability if it’s not relevant to your performance.
Employers can Make Reasonable Adjustments
Many offices are not accessible by those with certain disabilities. Winding staircases are a staple of most businesses environments and restrict certain employees from use. Obviously, a wheelchair user may struggle to navigate this environment, so it’s important to acknowledge the changes that are being made here. Additionally, limited or far away parking spaces can be incredibly harmful to disabled workers too.
If the environment does not meet your needs, inform the employer, who will then be required to carry out ‘reasonable adjustments’, ensuring that any potential struggles are addressed and resolved. Lifts and ramps may be provided as well as disabled parking spaces, allowing wheelchair users or those with other difficulties in their legs a better option.
Getting to work is Easier than Ever!
Many workers drive to work without a care in the world. Additionally, some workers will see their commute as a chance to exercise before sitting at their desks until the evening, walking and cycling on their way in. Of course, this attitude isn’t always readily available for the disabled worker, and they may even struggle arriving to work by any means at all.
However, using wheelchair accessible vehicles means that anyone can arrive to work in a convenient and timely fashion. With a ramp fitted at the back, lower floors and plenty of space inside, getting to work is safe, accessible and comfortable. These vehicles are manufactured