Fukushima After The Disaster | What It Looks Like Today

Arkadiusz Podniesinski has managed to capture many incredible shots of what the Fukushima near the nuclear distaster looks like today.

The photos tells us a couple of interesting things about the area. One of them is that nature always find a way.

Just by looking at the photos we can see how vegetation and wildlife is overtaking what human civilization left behind.

The other thing we can see if how the unfortunate people of Fukushima had to leave everything behind in hopes of surviving that fateful day.

The photography involved is masterful. Let us know what you think about them fellow lazy penguins!

Source: Link

Fukushima Today

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Fukushima Today

In this aerial shot we can see how everyone left their cars in the middle of the traffic jam as they tried to escape. Very powerful imagery.

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Fukushima Today
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