How To Break The Stigma About Students With Learning Difficulties 

Learning difficulties make it extremely hard for students to cope with the demanding nature of the education system. In addition to that, the stigma surrounding learning disabilities can cause significant psychological suffering for students. Those with learning disabilities are frequently made fun of, bullied, and are left out by their peers. Unfortunately, the issue doesn’t just end there. Students who deal with learning difficulties are usually made to feel incompetent, even outside the classroom. However, there are many approaches educators are currently implementing to make those with learning difficulties feel included. Read through our article to find out how the stigma about students with learning difficulties can be broken. 

Student-Teacher Relationship

A strong student-teacher relationship can be a really effective way to support a student with learning disabilities, especially when they are not feeling accepted at school. For a teacher to be able to give the student the support they need, they must first understand how the student feels. They should also try to understand the student’s experiences in the classroom. It is important to pay attention to the way that they are being treated or to other issues that they are struggling with. Since each person is different, the teacher should actually discuss how they can make things easier for the student. 

Students with learning difficulties tend to believe that most teachers are biased against them because of their poor academic performance. However, when a teacher shows that they care, the student will feel valued. The teacher should also give proper feedback to the student. Support should not only be emotional, but the teacher and the student should both work together on improving the student’s academic performance with one-on-one tutoring or offering tips to tackle their difficulties. Feedback can be used as a means to make the student feel less stigmatized as long as the teacher makes it clear that they believe that the student is capable of improvement. 

The Role That Parents Play

The stigma regarding students with learning disabilities goes beyond the classroom. Parents should also participate in the discussion about the student’s feelings and experiences. They should understand how they can help their child and make them feel their support. They should also ask their child about how they identify with their learning disability and to what extent they have made peace with it. Know whether their learning disability affects the way they value or perceive themselves. Encourage them to talk about it and teach them that it is not a shameful subject. You should also help them realize that their learning disability is not a measure of their intelligence, but it just means that the way they learn and receive information will be different than others. 


Offering the student that’s facing difficulties support at school and home is not enough. Certain institutions should be available to treat any student with learning difficulties. Many universities aim to cater to the unique needs of their students with disabilities, no matter what they are. These universities and learning institutes aim to combat stigma with awareness, inclusion, and giving everyone a fair chance at education. . The stigma will never be truly broken unless more people are educated on the subject. 

Although labeling those students is part of the diagnosis process and a means to get them the help they need, it can create even more stigma. The way that the students receive the special instruction should be sensible to the stigma. Those labels will further drive people to believe that those students cannot succeed at school. This will affect the way students believe in themselves, and their self-esteem could take a great dive, further reinforcing their disabilities. 

There should be more accessible and available ways for students with learning difficulties to connect with other people who have had similar experiences. This will instill confidence and make them believe that they are able to do anything. It should be compulsory for students and educators to learn about learning disabilities, particularly in educational institutes which will clear any misconceptions. Educational institutes should also take action when a student with a learning disability is being ostracized, shamed, or bullied. 

Group Counseling

Schools should offer group counseling for students who are facing learning disabilities. The way other people treat them or perceive them can really affect their mental health. It can also affect their willingness to continue learning or trying to create a better future for themselves. It can be very hard for them not to lose hope especially when educational performance and future success are believed to be deeply connected. Group members can help each other realize how valued they are. Group interactions will also encourage other skills to kick-off, allowing them to realize that there is more to them, and to life, than their ability to learn. 

The stigma regarding students with learning difficulties can pose many challenges, adding to the pre-existing difficulty of learning. This is why more people should take steps towards breaking this stigma. Awareness, inclusion, and understanding the different learning difficulties will go a long way in breaking the stigma.