Learning a Foreign Language? Here’s What You Need to Know

Language is a complex facet of human existence. The origins of language are not known for certain, with theories ranging from early humans experimenting with imitating animal sounds, to influences from early humans ingesting mystical plants, mushrooms, and other sacred concoctions. Regardless of the origins of human language, there are some very concrete and attainable tips and tricks that you can use to make your experience of learning a new language more easy, accessible, and enjoyable. 


The best way to learn and begin to use any language is by incorporating into conversational settings. This is because the added neural connections associated with the means of conversational usage of language can help you retain the language better in the long and short run. Also by learning the conversational colloquialisms of a given language, you will be able to expand upon that base knowledge much quicker than a non-conversational based vocabulary. 

Frequency, not duration

When learning to do anything, whether it is a specific skill, an instrument, language, or anything else,  it is always better to have more frequent, shorter sessions as opposed to long and intensive ones. This is because most humans can only absorb so much information and remain attentive at a high level for a certain amount of time. This means that if you have one hour to practice a language in a day, you will receive more benefits from three 20 minute sessions as opposed to one long 60-minute session. These shorter, more intensive sessions allow you to remain fresh and attentive for the entire duration, rather than trying for a longer session and being less productive for the last half or a quarter of the session. 

Use online resources

In the modern age, if you have access to the internet then you should be able to easily learn any language as long as you have the desire and dedication to do so. Regardless of the language, you would like to learn there is bound to be a solid online resource that can aid you in your endeavors. If you are looking to learn Korean then the folks over at 90 Day Korean can get you up to speed in record time. This resource is certainly one of the highest quality online language learning services, but if you search for similar services in different languages then you will likely be able to find something to help you out. 

Start easy

Learning a language doesn’t mean you have to be completely fluent and familiar with all the associated syntax immediately, you can start off simply by trying to learn 100 common easy words. Think about what your main needs will be when using your newfound language and pick your one hundred words based on this to personalize your vocabulary. For instance, if you want to explore local food options, then familiarize yourself with the necessary vocabulary. Or if you are into music, then make sure you incorporate vocabulary about the proper way to request a certain tune at a jam in a polite manner. 

Use a pocket dictionary

If you don’t have a device or access to the internet, then a pocket dictionary can be an indispensable tool when learning a foreign language. There are generally affordable options for pocket dictionaries available at tourist shops, souvenir shops, or other cultural shops in whatever area you happen to be located. 

Be patient

You are bound to say stupid things when learning a new language. It is important to stay humble, positive, and be in a good frame of mind when you are learning a new language so you don’t get discouraged. It takes time to get proficient at anything, so hang in there to reap the benefits!

Find a study buddy

One on one instruction is the best way to learn any language. If you have friends, family, or a coworker who speaks a different language they can be an excellent resource to learn that language. A native language speaker is always best, as they are the most in tune with various dialects and language used in different parts of a region.

Hopefully, these tips will aid you in learning whatever new language you have the desire to study. Learning a new language can be an incredibly rewarding experience and a great way to supplement anyone’s learning. Use the aforementioned strategies to augment, supplement, and speed up the rate at which you absorb new languages and are able to use them in real-life situations. Remember the important thing is to learn the practical language and have fun while doing it! Make use of your friends and the resources around you for a truly rewarding experience.