Owls are animals that symbolize wisdom and intelligence, as well as erudition and nighttime. In tattoos, it is also popular to use them as emissaries of death, protectors of what is no longer on the physical plane. The owl in a tattoo related to death can be a vehicle to communicate, for its wisdom, with those who are on another astral plane. There are also those who associate owl tattoos with the idea of freedom, and the possibility of seeing beyond. For these reasons it is a design that is among the most popular in recent times.
The design that combines the owl and the clock is an allusion to the knowledge obtained through time. To the possibility of understanding the present through the past, and of projecting an organized and successful future. If the idea of an owl tattoo is hanging around your head, then scroll on and you’ll find our recommendations of some of the most inspiring tattoo designs and ideas with the geometric owl symbol. The geometric style of tattoos uses shapes of geometric figures to give background or even to form the main design with an interesting effect, similar in some cases to the pieces of a puzzle.