8 Easy Money Saving Travel Tips for Airport Hotels

When you like or you are required (for professional reasons) to travel often, it is not always possible and affordable to book the accommodation of your dreams. Near almost every airport, you will find the so-called airport hotels, providing you convenient solutions, helpful and appropriate for a lot of different circumstances, such as having a meeting in a conference hall nearby the airport in a foreign country, or a very long layover. Even if their price is profitable, there are still some ways, that can help you save money by applying them, and give you the advantage to upgrade the quality of your trip either way.

Happy young man with travel bag walking from hotel to airport

1. Compare Prices

As mentioned before, usually there are different worldwide hotel-chains near the airport.  Make sure you have made a sufficient research before coming to your final choice. Instead of getting overwhelmed, look for services that can provide you full-comparing lists with all the necessary information, such as bookfhr.com.

2. Early Booking

Once you have decided that an airport hotel is the one that meets your needs, do not be late in making your booking. Lower rates are always proportional to the time before the travel.

3. Rewards Program

If you are a frequent visitor of airport hotels, it is quite obvious that you can unlock more amenities and privileges over time. Look into and subscribe to any existing hotel rewards and accumulate point.

4. Credit Card Rewards

Some banks collaborate with specific hotels, and give you exclusive rewards (points, discounts, etc) when you use the relative credit card for your reservation.

5. Other type of discounts

Besides what mentioned in the previous two tips, there are some extra ways to ensure yourself with a more profitable price. Keep an eye on any discount offered by your flying company and check if you meet the requirements of any special group to whom the hotel itself provides an offer.

6. Shuttle Service

Choosing an accommodation close to the airport, has the benefit of reaching it in an easier and definitely cheaper way. Reassure that your hotel supports its clients with a shuttle bus, for free or at nominal cost and avoid spending for a taxi.

7. Package deals

According to the duration of your staying and your specific needs, browse through the hotel’s exclusive package deals, including a shuttle bus service or a predetermined number of meals, that result in adding up to your pocket.

8. Look for alternatives

Sometimes, the use of the term “airport hotel” can be tricky, as the official airport region refers to a very specific kilometre and geographical extent. Accommodation out of this “boarder” could be found in a much cheaper price, whereas still ensuring your easy access to and from the airport.