African Penguins Strolling Along The Beach

It’s finally time to talk about ourselves. A post dedicated to penguins was needed. More specifically we’re looking at African penguins, one of the gorgeous penguin species that can be found in South African shores.

It’s well known to be a very charismatic species and people all over the world want to see them during their stay in South Africa. What’s special about them is that unlike most other penguin species, African penguins live in warm temperatures and are terrific divers of warm waters. When people think of penguins they imagine snow, icebergs and Poles.

However, in this case, African penguins will be found strolling on the beach on a warm day before diving for their midday snack. They are excellent fishers. Below are some of the most adorable African penguin photos.

How awesome do you think we are fellow lazy penguins!?

African Penguins On The Beach

African Penguins
African Penguins

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African Penguins
African Penguins

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African Penguins
African Penguins

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African Penguins
African Penguins

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African Penguins
African Penguins

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African Penguins
African Penguins

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