How to Teach Peace to Children

Wouldn’t it be great if your kids came with a manual? That way, you would know what to do, when, and how. Unfortunately, children don’t come with a manual, making it quite a challenge and fun to raise them. Communicating values and ensuring that your kids grow with your best modeling is essential, but parents struggle every day to figure out the best way to raise their kids. Do you want your kid to be a peace ambassador? Do you want them to emulate qualities shown by top peace ambassadors, even join causes such as spearheaded by Prem Rawat? Well, for such commendable milestones to be achieved, you need to model your child from a tender age. But how do you teach peace to your children? Here are a few approaches you can utilize to teach peace to your children.

Be a good role model

How do you respond to frustrating situations when your children are around? While your child might not be the best at listening to your instructions, they never fail to imitate your actions. If you go on a rampage whenever you are frustrated, that’s precisely how they will respond when they are dealing with a challenging situation. Be calm, collected, and communicate in a way that you would like your child to emulate.

Choose your words carefully

Instead of saying that you are angry, how about softer words such as overwhelmed? Words have a way of shaping your moods and response to situations, and if you choose the right words, you can teach your kids to respond kindly and peacefully. As you strive to teach peace through words, remember to ask as many relevant questions as possible. Also, remember to reinforce your children’s deeds with words that will make them feel appreciated. Such kind words foster a feeling of accomplishment that your child will want to hear more often, steering their behaviors towards peaceful living.

Creative play

What’s in your children’s toys collection? Are they “peace ambassadors” or do they communicate chaos and violence? Apart from the toys, you can create opportunities for your kids to learn peace and empathy through creative playtime. During the playtime, help your kid to express their feelings and to navigate the choppy waters. Give them enough time to express themselves and steer their actions towards peaceful resolutions.

Guide, don’t control

How often do you jump in and solve your children’s challenges? Well, you could be doing more harm than good, as you are not letting them learn from hands-on experience. Instead of jumping in every chance you get, how about getting the most out of it by steering them in the right direction? Hands-on experience can help you to achieve a lot, and all you need to do is foster a healthy environment that your child can lean on as they navigate disturbing situations.

Inner peace starts from the outside, and if you create a peaceful environment, you are on your way to modeling peace-loving children. While it might not be as straightforward as teaching your kid math or cycling, with the above tips, you can ease your quest and enjoy a smooth teaching peace endeavor.