Kakapos are a rare and currently endangered species of parrots that are native to New Zealand. In the past there used to be a great number of them in the islands of New Zealand but in recent years, due to the destruction of the environment and due to other invasive species, they are being protected and their numbers have dwindled.
However, that’s half the truth. The other half is that the Kakapo, more commonly known as the rare green fat parrots, are one of the most helpless species of animals on earth. One of the reasons, is because they can’t fly. Another is because they are fat without an defense mechanisms making them easy prey for predators. Finally, they are not exactly very bright. Sometimes when they panic they forget they can’t fly and attempt to jump off trees.
All in all, this animal species requires a lot of attention to be safe but it’s been going well and in the last few years their numbers have slightly increase for the first time in several decades.
What do you have to say about the rare parrots fellow lazy penguins?
The Legacy of Kakapo
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