Can Cute Baby Turtles Steal Your Heart?

Turtles are most likely the most adorable little reptiles in the world both on land and in the sea! Same as with most animals, their baby versions are ten times cuter than their adult versions! Besides being lovely, they are also one of the oldest reptiles on earth, even older than snakes and crocodiles! However, today…

10 Places in Iowa That Look Like They’ve Been Taken Out Of Fairy Tales

Iowa is part of the Mid-Western United States and has some of the most beautiful scenery for sunsets and daybreak! There’s something special about this State’s natural landscapes that enhances its dusk and dawn more than other places. It’s as if the combination of the location with the time of the day creates a whole…

Breathtaking Geometry Of America From Above

As you already know we love satellite/aerial photos – we have already dedicated a few posts on them: The Most Beautiful Aerial Shots Of New York City | Night Over NYC German Photographer Took Aerial Photos of Ships 20 beautiful and breathtaking satellite photos that will change the way you see the earth According to…

10 Places in Illinois That Look Like They’ve Been Taken Out Of Fairy Tales

Illinois is part of the Midwestern United States and is often characterized as a “microcosm” of the entire nation. Today we’re looking at the most beautiful places in Illinois which are often overlooked. It is true that Illinois has a lot of natural and man-made beauty but much of it is off the tracks and sometimes not…

Illusory Swimming Pool By Leandro Erlich

Leandro Erlich is an Argentinian artist and the creator of the illusory swimming pool (below) that seems to be filled with water. The pool is installed as permanent exhibit at the 21st Century Museum of Contemporary Art in Kanazawa in Japan (its water is only 10cm shallow and it is surprisingly supported by a thick…

Cows Can Be Fluffy And Adorable Too

It is not common to associate cows with terms such as fluffy or adorable but it’s possible! Today we’re looking at such cute examples! There are certain types of cows such as the Highland cattle that has unusually long fur for cows and they can be very fluffy around the face and all over their…

Rare Photos Of Germany Before It Was Destroyed By War

Once upon a time fellow Lazy Penguins (before being totally demolished by two World Wars) the Land of Ideas – Land der Ideen (Germany) used to be a place of beauty, gothic splendour and picturesque villages. When the WW2 ended (September 2nd 1945) Germany rebuilt everything that was destroyed, resulting to new buildings (with the…

10 Places in Kentucky That Look Like They’ve Been Taken Out Of Fairy Tales

Kentucky, while a relatively small State, has a great array of natural and man-made wonders, locations so beautiful they could be part of a fairy tale. Today we’re looking at 10 such places which can also be described as gifts from nature. It’s not without reason that many claim Kentucky has some of the nation’s…

Huge Dogs That Still Believe They Are Small Puppies

If you’ve ever had a big dog you’ll probably have experienced how they start out small but once they grow up they still think they can fit wherever they did when they were small. Unfortunately, that is simply not possible. A Labrador wont fit in its old puppy bed once it has grown up to…

10 Places in Arkansas That Look Like They’ve Been Taken Out Of Fairy Tales

Arkansas is a State that is so rich in natural beauty and resources that it is also known as The Natural State of the United States. Today we’re taking a look at 10 perfect fairy tale places in Arkansas where the vibrant colours and purity of nature draw a lovely scenery. In this state you…