The Ultimate And Most Dangerous Infinity Pool In The World

Not long ago, we wrote a post about the most beautiful infinity pools in the world. The one today is about the scariest one and it will include only one place: The Victoria Falls or Mosi-oa-Tunya on the Zambezi River between the countries of Zambia and Zimbabwe. According to Wikipedia: “The Smoke that Thunders” is…

High School Students React Pricelessly To Beautiful Compliment

Shea Glover, a high school student in Chicago, during a school project filmed different students while telling them that they are beautiful. The reactions are priceless. What began as independent project ended up becoming a social experiment were different unsuspecting students were filmed. During the filming the students were explained the point of the project….

Majestic Moments With The Gorgeous Snow Leopards

Snow Leopards are the gorgeous animals that can be found in the mountain ranges of Asia. They are well known in the world for their beautiful spotted fur. However, that’s not all there is to snow leopards. Their majestic form and fluffy tails give them both an image of fierceness and cuteness at the same…

Airline In Japan Hosting Star Wars Themed Flights

Airline in Japan has been hosting Star Wars themed flight in lieu of the long awaited upcoming movie. Not only does the plane’s concept have Star Wars written over it but it’s same and colours are the same as those of R2D2, the robot character from the movie. In addition to what was mentioned above,…

10 Places in North Dakota That Look Like They’ve Been Taken Out Of Fairy Tales

North Dakota is one of the Upper Midwestern United States, not to be confused with its neighboring state of South Dakota. This beautiful state is rich in natural resources and boasts for its great Theodore Roosevelt National Park which people from all over the states travel to see. Whilst Bismarck is it’s capital, its most populated…

The Best Christmas Markets In The United Kingdom

It is that time of the year (the most wonderful we could say) fellow Lazy Penguins when you eat, drink, wrap up very warm & and are continuously looking for presents for your dear ones. Christmas is celebrated all around the world in more than 160 countries. In this post though we will focus on…

The Luxury Solar Floating Island Resort

If you are looking for an eco-retreat, this post is for you fellow Lazy Penguins. The following post is about retreating in your own self-sustaining Solar Floating Island Resort! (this can happen only if you have won the lottery or something similar). The conceptual hotel was designed by the Italian industrial designer Michele Puzzolante and…

Miniature Village Made Of Rocks And Pebles In The Backyard

This one of the coolest miniature villages you’ll ever see made by amateurs on a church’s backyard! The idea was to improve the property by adding a rock garden but someone decided to take it too far, or rather far enough as the result is incredible! They created a village with houses, towers, churches and…

What’s The View From The Tallest Buildings On Earth?

Traveling sometimes can be very expensive, just imagine visiting only the cities with tallest buildings (it could cost a fortune). Can you imagine the panoramic views from all these buildings (we Lazy Penguins can)? But don’t worry, we put together some of the most beautiful views from the tallest building worldwide so you can enjoy…

10 Places in Oklahoma That Look Like They’ve Been Taken Out Of Fairy Tales

Oklahoma is part of the South-Central United States that is known for its gorgeous prairies and small mountain ranges. Weather in Oklahoma can be severe at times but otherwise it’s a very beautiful state with lots of state parks and a lot of history! Its capital and most populated city goes by the same name…