The Coin Wishing Trees Of Great Britain

Around the UK a couple of centuries ago people would put coins into trees in order to make a wish. The folklore around it and the images that follow are quite awe striking!

Some people believed that by striking a coin into a tree with a hammer, they could make a wish, such as having some ill get better or removing the suffering from their close ones.

It was also said that if anyone removed the coin from the tree, they would receive the suffering that was taken from the ill and thus the remover would become ill instead.

It’s very interesting but also a bit unfortunate as some trees have been destroyed due to this. Nevertheless, it’s quite a sight to behold, a tree covered in coins from all the wishes. It is also said that few superstitious people still do this, which explains why some of the coins in the photos are not centuries old!

What do you think about the coin wishing trees fellow lazy penguins?

The Coin Wishing Trees

Coin Wishing Tree
Coin Wishing Tree

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Coin Wishing Tree
Coin Wishing Tree

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Coin Wishing Tree
Coin Wishing Tree

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Coin Wishing Tree
Coin Wishing Tree

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Coin Wishing Tree
Coin Wishing Tree

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