The Most Expensive Essential Oils in the World

Essential oils are a wonderful option to many of our creams and beauty treatments, they are cheaper and offer us multiple possibilities. However, the best essential oils in the world can be quite expensive. Today we’re taking a look at the most expensive essential oils in the world and their benefits!

First of all, we have to give you an important fact: for an essential oil to be truly effective, you must acquire it in its purest form, that is, extracted directly from the plant. It is also important that its production has been ecological, free of pesticides or fertilizers that alter its purity and natural properties. You should keep them in cool places and in dark glass jars. These factors play an important role into how expensive an essential oil will be.

Coconut oil

Coconut oil

It is wonderful, ideal for cosmetics and aromatherapy. It is perfect for treating acne problems or your scars. It is also a great toner. In addition, it acts as an antibacterial. It also protects and softens the skin and hair (great if you use it as a hair mask), being very effective for damaged hair and dry skin.

Calendula oil

Calendula oil

This oil is suitable for people with psoriasis, dermatitis and skin blemishes. It is also ideal for young children or people with very delicate skin. Do you usually have varicose veins? Are you one of those who usually suffer from allergic reactions or irritations? Then this oil will be very good for you. And it is recommended to reduce the spots that come out of the sun.

Tea tree oil

Tea tree oil

Tea tree oil has great antibacterial and disinfecting power. It is suitable for healing any wound or scratch. It is effective for curing and drying the pimples that come out on our face due to acne or allergic reactions. And it is very practical to combat annoying lice.

Sweet almond oil

Sweet almond oil

It is one of the best essential oils and the one most used in aromatherapy. It is ideal for all skin types, both the driest and the most delicate. Almond oil is very rich in minerals and vitamins, softens and heals the skin, so it is perfect for treating wounds, burns, cracks and scars. It is also a good moisturizer, so it is recommended to apply on the body after showering.

Argan oil

Argan oil

Argan oil is a little more expensive, but that small investment is definitely worth it given the great benefits it brings us, especially if our skin is already a little more mature. It is a wonderful antioxidant, prevents tissue aging and fights free radicals. Argan oil has 50 times more vitamin E than olive oil. Provides elasticity, tone and youth to the skin.

Rosehip oil

Rosehip oil

It is one of the most used today. Contains essential fatty acids, perfect for nourishing and regenerating the skin. If you have stretch marks or scars, feel free to apply a little rosehip oil every day. Not only does it prevent the appearance of wrinkles and stretch marks, it is also very useful for treating acne.

St. John’s wort oil

St. John's wort oil

St. John’s wort is well known for its relaxing action, widely used to reduce stress and help us fall asleep. This plant has hypericin, a type of enzyme that helps us reduce the amount of adrenaline and, therefore, relax. To benefit from this oil, it is enough to do a little massage on the wrists, chest and neck. You will see how good it makes you feel.

Jojoba oil

Jojoba oil

Jojoba oil has as its main benefit its high percentage of ceramides. Do you know what these natural elements are for? Ceramides serve to get our cells to be united and, therefore, that the skin is elastic and hydrated. Jojoba oil effectively treats acne problems, excess oil or shine. Also note that it is very rich in vitamin E, which helps prevent premature aging of the skin.

Lavender oil

Lavender oil

It is really practical to soften acne scars and to heal wounds or even burns. It is also ideal to prevent wrinkles. One of its best benefits is helping us fall asleep. Do you know how? Putting two drops on your pillow. You will see how it relaxes you!

Wheat germ oil

Wheat germ oil

Wheat germ is one of the best essential oils used as an antioxidant. It is also very nutritious and is indicated for skin or mature or very punished by the Sun. Its properties come from its multiple minerals, essential amino acids and vitamins. It is ideal for reducing wrinkles and achieving more elastic skin. It gives very good results, do not hesitate to try it!