What You Need to Know About Low Libido

Low libido is described as a decreased interest in sexual activity. However much it may be common to lose interest in sexual activity occasionally, it is also very normal for your sexual interest not to match that of your partner. Low libido is a tough issue that tends to challenge many couples.

Low libido can be caused by different factors, ranging from social to psychological. If low libido stays for long, it may be a sign of an underlying health condition. As decreased sexual activity affects your life, it also stretches and goes ahead to affect your mental health and self-esteem. We are going to look at the most likely causes of low libido and also go ahead to try and find ways to face and curb these impacts.

Causes of Low Libido

Here some potential cause of low libido:

  • Medical Conditions

Various health problems such as diabetes, hormonal imbalances, or heart disease can lead to low libido. Some health conditions can likely cause decreased sexual interest.

  • Low Testosterone

Testosterone is a very important male hormone that is produced in the testicles. It is responsible for bone mass, muscle building and stimulating sperm production. The testosterone levels play a major factor into your sex drive. Low testosterone will mean your desire for sex also is likely to decrease.

However, testosterone levels may vary when adult men testosterone levels fall below 300 nanograms per deciliter (ng/dl), they are in normal cases considered to have low testosterone. seeking medical attention is advised and you might need to take supplements or perhaps gels for you to increase your testosterone levels.

  • Hormonal Imbalance

Hormonal imbalance can be a major cause of low sex drive for many men and women. Any hormone related decline in sex drive can occur at younger ages too. The lightest imbalance in progesterone, testosterone and estrogen levels is likely to cause a decline in the sexual drive in women. Losing sex drive commonly happens to women who have had total removal of the ovaries due to the huge decline in sex hormones. Other medical conditions that cause low libido are diabetes and heart disease.

  • Medications

Taking certain types of medications like antidepressants can lower your testosterone levels which will cause low libido. A good example is blood pressure medications which likely can prevent ejaculation and erections. The most common blood pressure medication is the beta-blockers and ACE inhibitors. You need to also consider interactions with alcohol, for instance, understand Sildenafil interactions with alcohol.

  • Psychological Factors

Stress, depression, anxiety, and body image issues may play a role. Psychological factors like stress, anxiety, and depression can be a great decline to sexual desire. When you have stress it is likely to interrupt your hormone levels. Your arteries can narrow in times of stress which in turn restricts blood flow and eventually causes erectile dysfunction also known as ED.

The desire for sex is greatly affected by stress and of which in these current times stress is quite hard to avoid. Talk about being in a busy work environment, death of a loved one, relationship problems, divorce to financial constraints are a big stress sources.

  • Impact on Relationships

Low libido affects both partners in a relationship. You may feel uneasy since you want to increase your libido nevertheless at the same time you do not feel the emotions or physical longing. Even though you do care for your partner, you might find yourself being unable to accomplish the sexual part in your relationship. Low libido can lead to dissatisfaction and tension in a relationship.

Wellness Strategies

What you can do when you are facing low sex drive is:

  • Consult a Healthcare Provider

However much it may feel uncomfortable to talk to a healthcare provider about your sex life, try to always remember that sex is part of your life and health and that it is also very natural. If it happens that you are concerned about your sex life in your relationship, then it is advisable to talk to a healthcare provider. Healthcare providers can recommend some lifestyle changes and relationship strategies that are likely to help.

They can check for underlying health issues and may suggest a change in medication or other treatments.

  • Exercise Regularly

Physical activity increases blood flow and thus enhances sexual desire. In recent research it has been proven that weight loss increases the testosterone levels and libido in middle aged men. Getting into the habit of cardio exercise can improve your sex stamina. And don’t just stop there, go into yoga which strengthens your cardiovascular system making you more flexible during sex. Another exercise is weight lifting which increases your testosterone levels and tones your muscles in the abs, legs and arms that you require during sexual activity.   

As for women, vigorous workout affects autonomic nervous system activity, the hormones and neurotransmitters. These vigorous activities sustain and raise levels of an enzyme in women that increases the arousal and genital blood flow. The only downside of this arousal in women is that it’s short-lived and so it’s advisable to make use of that short-lived time just after the workout.

  • Focus on Intimacy

When you spend more together with your partner and learn to nurture your emotional intimacy, it will definitely improve your sexual desire in your relationship. Having a sexual connection is way more than intimacy. Understand one another and be in the moment to make it more pleasurable.

  • Eat a Balanced Diet

A good diet helps boost your sex drive and also makes sure that your body is working perfectly well. To get an ideal health make sure to eat, nutrient rich diet that is low in trans fats, sodium, saturated fats and added sugars. Make sure your body system gets fruits, legumes and nuts. Nutrient-rich foods support overall health, including sexual health.

  • Manage Stress

Have a regularity of trying out stress management techniques like meditation, hobbies that relax and engage you, talking to a therapist, mindfulness and breathing exercises that are likely to help cope with the stress.


While low libido may be an uncomfortable or embarrassing subject for some, addressing it openly and proactively is crucial. It often involves a combination of medical consultations, lifestyle changes, psychological support, and open communication with a partner. Patience and professional guidance can make the process of dealing with low libido more manageable and effective. Healthcare providers can tailor a plan that fits your specific situation, leading to a healthier and more satisfying life.