Yellow Boxfish Is One Of The Weirdest Fish In The World

The fish species known as Yellow Boxfish are very bizarre both in appearance and behaviour. They belong to the vast species of Boxfishes and live in the reefs of The Pacific Ocean.

Their bodies are relatively small although their size can reach up to 45 centimeters! What’s unusual is the shape which as the name suggests is that of a box. Their colour starts out bright yellow but slowly fades as they get older.

Their main defense mechanism is their highly toxic body. What’s funny about their behaviour is the way they swim. They appear as if their flapping their box-corners while heading in random directions in the water. Today we’re taking a look at some of these little fish.

What do you think about these weird fish fellow lazy penguins?

The Bizarre Yellow Boxfish

Yellow Boxfish
Yellow Boxfish

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Yellow Boxfish
Yellow Boxfish

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Yellow Boxfish
Yellow Boxfish

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Yellow Boxfish
Yellow Boxfish

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Yellow Boxfish
Yellow Boxfish

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Yellow Boxfish
Yellow Boxfish

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