20 facts about animals that will make you smile

I don’t know why humans love animals in general, they should be more specific and love penguins only  (that was a bit selfish) 😉 . I think it is because we don’t speak and whatever we do, for them is adorable and funny : ) Apart from that most of us are friendly and a mirror of happiness! Taking into account that all the animal kingdom is adorable I , the laziest penguin, put together a post with 20 facts about animals that will make everyone smile. I know know, a lot of animals are included, not only PENGUINS! “HT” distractify.

1. Gentoo penguins propose to their mates with a pebble.

Gentoo penguins

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2. Newborn pandas weighs a much as a cup of tea.

Newborn pandas
Newborn pandas

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3.  By shaving a guinea pig, it will look like a baby hippo.

Shaved guinea pig
Shaved guinea pig

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4. Young Japanese Macaques make snowballs for fun.

Young Japanese Macaques
Young Japanese Macaques

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5. Colonel-in-Chief Sir Nils Olav (a penguin) knighted in Norway.

Penguin knighted in Norway
Penguin knighted in Norway

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6. Otters keep their favorite rock in their pocket (formed by a skin flap).

Otters have a pocket
Otters have a pocket

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 7. Mice & rats can laugh.

Mice laughing
Mice laughing

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8. Baby chimps play with dolls.

Baby chimps
Baby chimps

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9. In Japan macaques use vending machines, and can buy items using coins that they find.

Macaques in Japan
Macaques in Japan

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10. Dolphins have unique names for each other.


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 11. Turtles breathe through their butts.

Turtle breathing
Turtle breathing

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12. Cows like humans have best friends & spend their time together.

Cow with best friend
Cow with best friend

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13. Hundreds of new trees are born every year because squirrels forget where they buried their nuts!

Squirrels forgeting their nuts
Squirrels forgetting their nuts

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14. Chicks communicate with each other from inside their eggs.


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15. Seahorses mate once for life and travel while holding each other’s tales.

Seahorses traveling
Seahorses traveling

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16. Communication between honey bees is done by dancing.

Honey bees communicating
Honey bees communicating

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17. Squirrels will sometimes adopt an abandoned baby if its parents aren’t there.

Squirrel adopting a baby
Squirrel adopting a baby

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18. Bumblebee Bat is called the world’s smallest bat.

Bumblebee Bat
Bumblebee Bat

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19. Just like humans, goats have accents!

Goats communicating
Goats communicating

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 20. The male puppies will let the female pappies win in every “play fight”.

Puppies playing
Puppies playing

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