27 Photos of Animals and their adorable Mini-me versions

You’ve surely noticed it in the past. The moment when you look at an animal and you see there by its side, its adorable baby, looking more similar than ever. You must have seen it at least once, whether it was from your pets, your friends’ pets or from TV or even the internet. The moment we’re talking about is the one where the young one stands by the side of the mom or the dad looking proud, the moment in which it is possible to see how similar the two are, the moment where both of them are doing exactly the same thing. That’s the moment the photos below are aiming to portray in an as cute as possible way. Which one is the cutest?

Mini-me sloth life
Mini-me sloth life

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Mini-me sweet moment
Mini-me sweet moment
Mini-me Heavy Stroll
Mini-me Heavy Stroll
Mini-me exposed
Mini-me exposed

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Mini-me swim version
Mini-me swim version

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Mini-me and delicious grass
Mini-me and delicious grass

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Mini-me supervising the Savannah with cuteness
Mini-me supervising the Savannah with cuteness

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Mini-me Seal with it
Mini-me Seal with it

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Mini-me Skunkie
Mini-me Skunkie
Mini-me Buffalo hills
Mini-me Buffalo hills

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Mini-me tiny King
Mini-me tiny King

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Mini-me paw touch
Mini-me paw touch
Mini-me drawer reach
Mini-me drawer reach

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Mini-me through the blinds
Mini-me through the blinds

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Mini-me side by side
Mini-me side by side

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Mini-me step by step
Mini-me step by step

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Mini-me ladder case
Mini-me ladder case

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Mini-me Corgi lookout
Mini-me Corgi lookout

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Mini-me Panda on top
Mini-me Panda on top
Mini-me gesture the same
Mini-me gesture the same
Mini-me on a diet
Mini-me on a diet
Mini-me head tilt
Mini-me head tilt

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Mini-me fur pattern extrasimilar
Mini-me fur pattern extrasimilar

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Mini-me nap time
Mini-me nap time
Mini-me derp
Mini-me derp
Mini-me suspicious
Mini-me suspicious

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Mini-me snuggles
Mini-me snuggles