40 Most Awesome Half Sleeve Tattoos For Men

Sleeve tattoo have been really popular lately. It takes about 9 hours to complete one and the results are usually breathtaking. On the other hand, full sleeve tattoo can take over 20 hours and several sessions to complete.

However, recently trendsetters have been preferring half over full sleeve tattoos, making it them extremely popular.

The people who prefer full sleeve tattoos refer to them as incomplete or unfinished but the truth is they are masterpieces, making a fashion statement of their own.

It also means that it’s the perfect option for those who are not ready yet to commit their whole arm to a specific tattoo design. Plus, if you work at a public environment it can be difficult either to find a job or to be accepted if your tattoos are visible on your wrists. Half sleeve tattoos on the other hand are very easy to conceal.  That’s because half sleeve tattoo begin at the shoulder and stop at the elbow.

In order to convinces you of how cool they look and to help inspire you, here are some very awesome half sleeve designs.

Awesome Half Sleeve Tattoos For Men