We can describe as surreal something very unusual that has qualities of a dream. Jaroslaw Jasnikowski achieves exactly that with his life’s work on incredible paintings! The Polish artist is well known worldwide for creating a series of painting with extremely surreal theme and great quality. There are many symbolisms in his painting that one can…
We have written creepy posts in the past – one of the creepiest has been about the most terrifying church in the world. Today’s post goes along similar lines. Wolfgang Stiller, a German artist, created in a unique way a collection of sculptures called the ‘Matchstickmen’. The ‘Matchstickmen’ is all about putting together the leftover…
Pokemon fans and art fans, this one is for you! Today we’re looking at the incredibly adorable artwork of Piper Thibodeau which features Cryptid Pokemon! The Cryptid Pokemon is a series of illustrations by the young characters designer and concept artist from Canada, which consists of all the original 150 Pokemon along with newer generation Pokemon…
Recently we featured a post about double exposure – this one though has an added feature (smoke!). This post, fellow lazy penguins has the power to combine two statuses of the same animal only by “smokifying” it (and Daniel achieved it by doing a great job0. According to the talented artist Dániel Taylor: “I wanted…
Dustin Yellin is a contemporary artist (based in Brooklyn) who has received recognition around the world because of his ability of creating large-scale, fantastical collages encased within layers of glass. Dustin’s recent exhibition is called Psychogeographies, an art scene that was commissioned by the New York City Ballet for the annual Art series. The particular…
Do you know which are the seven wonders of the ancient world? Do you know what they used to look like in their full glory? Today we’re looking at a series of illustrations by various artists featuring the wonder our ancestors once build. Unfortunately many of them no longer exist or are in very bad…
Federico Uribe (born in Colombia) has the ability to transform common objects (like sneakers etc…) into very colourful figures leading to a stretch of the use and value of the original product. The Colombian artist moved to the United States in order to start his painting career but ended up leaving the uni and started…
Beautiful animals and innovative masterful art combined into one is quite a sight to behold! Andreas Lie is responsible for a series of illustrations that focus on double exposure of the previously mentioned elements! The artist and digital illustrator from Norway has created a great number of portrait of different animals by using a technique…
At first look you think “What amazing photos!” “They are so clear and perfect!“. Then you find out they’re actually finger paintings! Yup, not just normal paintings but pieces of art created using only the artists hands, instead of a brush or other tools. The results are incredibly cool and the more you see, the…
During our life we have various stages, which can either be defined by psychological terms or by the corporate ones. Designers Richard Beerens and Ronald Mica (from Amsterdam) decided to show life’s continuity in a very different way. They chose a collection of illustrations “Life on Wheels” where they show each stage of our precious…