Handy Software Solutions That Will Automate Your Business Better

Running a business requires innovative thinking to come up with new and creative solutions that save time, money, and resources. Automation can be the ultimate answer you’re looking for if you’re trying to streamline your operations. Many software programs now exist to help companies of all specialities and sizes save money and time on business-related tasks. These tools also help reduce the effort company employees have to exert to get tasks done. Everybody wins when your business switches to automated solutions. But where do you find the best software solutions, and which ones should you start with? We are here to answer these questions. Here are the top software solutions that will help you automate your business processes.


Gaining leads is the most important goal for any business no matter what your niche is or how small your business is. You will not only be looking for new leads, but you’ll also be competing with other companies for every available lead. However, the process of manually tracking leads can be virtually impossible and cost your business a big fortune only to acquire a few sales. Each lead must be guided on the correct way to switch to an existing customer. This is mainly where automation comes in. 

Salesforce is one of the most popular sales or CRM automation platforms with a higher price range than most other SaaS CRM solutions. However, you can find many affordable options as you discover more of this platform and its benefits to your business CRM process.

Alternative Automation Options 

You should look around for other sales automation options as well. You will find a diverse variety of tools and software solutions that handle the core functions of CRM. These tools can help you capture leads anywhere on your website and online portals. 

A good CRM software tool will also be able to help you automatically assign your most qualified customer service and sales staff to certain leads. You should look for the solutions that can help automate and prioritize your workflow the most. Software platforms other than Salesforce can be really handy in forecasting and tracking sales activities and conducting targeted marketing campaigns such as email drip campaigns.

Email Marketing Automation

Email marketing is one of the most effective methods for improving your company’s marketing performance and attracting more leads. While many companies take care of their lead nurturing email campaigns and strategies using manual methods, email marketing automation can help businesses expand their potential marketing triggers.

 Automated email tools allow business owners to set up trigger-based workflows that identify leverages and opportunities to nurture and guide their leads. You can use these tools to send instructional emails to your top leads, remind them of discounts and offers, or confirm their account credentials like when users access iCloud for the first time and need to verify their account through an automatic email. In short, email automated messages and services will optimize your marketing campaign and increase your CRM performance.

Social Media Marketing Automation

Any business needs to have at least one social media account to maintain its presence on the virtual platforms where buyers meet and look for products. However, how can a busy business owner keep up with their business’s social media involvement and find the time to manage all active accounts? The answer is through automated services and social media software that help handle these virtual tasks. 

Automated social media marketing is being able to schedule social media posts, identify leads and influencers around you, respond to mentions and messages with a single click, and analyze the latest trends to identify what’s new and what’s working with today’s buyers.  Automated Social Media Marketing will be very effective for your marketing efforts to schedule your posts to only be published when your audience is most active and responsive on each one of your social media platforms.

Customer Service Automation 

Customer service is how your business maintains and retains its customers. It’s an essential foundation for any business entity. Meeting customers’ satisfactory levels and answering their demands can take up a lot of your business’s time and staff efforts. This is why an automated system is needed to simplify your customer service operations. You can rely on a customer service software tool to handle a lot of your customer service routine tasks and simplify the entire process.

All businesses are now automating various processes to save time, money, and resources and run their organizations more efficiently. You also save your employees a great deal of unnecessary effort when you incorporate software solutions that simplify routine tasks and give your staff more time to focus on important matters and come up with new ideas that drive the company toward greater success. Automated solutions benefit both you and your workers in more ways than one.