Biggest Misconceptions About Different Dog Breeds That Give Them a Bad Rep

When it comes to urban legends and myths, Bigfoot and the Loch Ness Monster aren’t the only creatures with bad reputations behind them… dogs are also victims of terrible misconceptions and stereotypes. These misconceptions and stereotypes pinned against certain dog breeds have been so prevalent that there have been laws made deeming certain breeds as “dangerous.”

These laws were made to make neighborhoods and communities safer for people and other domestic animals. Well, the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA) states that there isn’t enough sufficient evidence to prove that these laws actually make neighborhoods and communities any safer.

So, if you are in the market for a dog and are nervous to get one because the breed you want is labeled as “dangerous”, don’t give in to the stereotype. Take a look at some the most popular dog breeds that have ultimately gotten a bad reputation over the years.

Pugs are Lazy Dogs

Pugs are one of the most underrated dog breeds. A lot of people tend to believe that the only thing Pugs want to do is lay on your couch all day… That is an absolute misconception. Now, Pugs aren’t hyper like other breeds of dogs nor are they bred to go jogging alongside their owner but they are active and happy… running around the yard and chasing after a ball will do them just fine but they are not lazy.

Rottweilers are Vicious Dogs

Although Rottweilers are bred to be guard dogs, that doesn’t mean that they can’t be lovable and affectionate. The thing that people have to realize is that Rottweilers are not mean by nature; it has a lot to do with how they’re trained when they were born. It’s a lot like children. Children aren’t born “bad” or “troublesome,” it has a lot to do with their upbringing.

They say a well-trained Rottweiler will greet you with a wagging tail and that’s true for the most part but the “wagging tail” is another misconception about dogs too, whether it’s a Rottweiler or Golden Retriever.

The “Wagging Tail”

Lots of pet owners tend to think that a wagging tail is a sign of friendliness and that’s not always the case. People misinterpreting this “sign” is how people suffer from dog bites. A wagging tail can mean happiness and excitement just as it can mean fear or a precursor to aggression. If there’s a dog you want to pet, make sure you observe the dog’s body language and always ask the pet owner’s permission first.

Dobermans Can Easily Turn on Their Owner

Well, this would have to be the ultimate act of betrayal right? Man’s best friend turning on him… “Legend has it” that the Dobermans brain will swell up so big and cause it to attack its owner. Crazy right?

The only reason why a Doberman, or any breed of dog, would attack or turn on its owner is that it was being abused, mistreated, or attacking out of self-defense. A Doberman that has been trained well, socialized, and loved wouldn’t do anything like that. And again, it has a lot to do with how it was raised as a puppy.

Pit Bulls Have Lock-Jaw

Fact or Fiction? Fiction. The mechanics of a Pit Bull’s jaw is the same as any other breed of dog. “Legend has it” that if a Pit Bull is attacking another animal or person, once it bites, it can lock its jaw holding on to whatever or whoever has fallen victim to its locking jaws. When will the madness end?

Greyhounds Require Lots of Exercise

Because Greyhounds are known for showing off their speed on racetracks, people somehow think that they need lots of exercise. This particular breed may need a large amount of exercise to train their bodies for running if they were actually participating in racing (just like athletic track runners need to condition their bodies) but the truth about Greyhounds is that they’re actually couch potatoes.

Greyhounds do enjoy going on walks and runs but if it were up to them, they’d enjoy just lounging around the house… that aspect is why they make awesome indoor pets.