This might really be old news for you fellow Lazy Penguins because it happened two years ago (around May, 2014) but nevertheless it is very funny and we thought of giving it another go 😉 Edinburgh (its name, not the city), Scotland’s fattest hedgehog, refused to return to the wild because she loves home food…
Egypt is a country that has always fascinated those of us with a love of ancient history and archaeology. From the Great Pyramid to the intricate hieroglyphs emblazoned the tombs of the Pharaohs, we just want to know more about this weird and wonderful civilisation from the desert. Here are 5 incredible things to whet…
With the passing of time new innovative ideas become reality and tools that we have used for centuries become obsolete when new more efficient ones are designed. Today we’re taking a look at the most unusual modern garden and DIY tools that have emerged in recent years. Of course not all of them are as…
You might have seen Puffins before due to the popularity of the unpopular opinion puffin meme which has circulated the internet in recent years, but what about the animal itself? Puffins are a small type of birds known for their colourful beaks. They have black and white feathers and their beaks are pretty big compared to…
West Sussex is a county in the southern part of England. It’s a relatively small county but with many beautiful spots as well as a wonderful coastline. What can one expect from a count such as West Sussex? The answer is a lot! There’s so many mesmerizing landscapes, both across its hills with its castles,…
As all the Lazy Penguins know (should) know, winter is the coldest season of the year (in the northern hemisphere we have winter from December to February and in the southern hemisphere it starts in June and finishes in August). While in winter-time we pass through a very cold period, it can also be uniquely…
Alright, it’s true that Crocodiles can be very dangerous and it’s best for humans to avoid them in any way. However, what about their babies? Just like with most animal babies they’re absolutely adorable. Hold on! We’re not encouraging you to go look for crocodile babies, that would be way too risky. Instead, how about we…
One of the most famous and widely recognised artists in Bolivia come out witht the name Roberto Mamani (of Aymara origin). His extraordinary beautiful & uniquely chromatic works of art are distributed and exhibited in an international level. He holds a great number of national/international awards while his work is best known for the vibrant…
Derbyshire is one of the counties of England. It is located in the East Midlands and is full of rolling hills creating a very beautiful landscape across the whole county. A big part of it is covered by the National Forest and the Peak District National Park well known all over the world for their natural…
Axolotls are small amphibians that are also known as Mexican Salamanders. They are adorable because they appear as if they’re always smiling! They are actually common pets and are easy to take care of. If we had to describe them with a few words, we’d say they’re tadpoles that were about to become salamanders but…