Cute Dog Dressed Up As Various Disney Characters

I am sure that 99 % of you Lazy Paneguins, love and adore all Disney characters (well, most of them). We must admit though that we are kind of bored of the ‘Disney princesses reimagined’ thingy. Today we have something special for you: Funny redditor Mr_Duck_Sauce recently shared some pictures of her dog, “Cooper”, dressed…

Satirical Illustrations Of Disney Princesses As Bowls Of Water

You may has noticed that in the last year there has been a surge of art and illustrations around different versions of Disney characters, and more specifically, the princesses. Recently a series of new illustrations were released based on the same concept but this time the Disney Princesses are bowls of water! Yup, you read…

Gorgeous Oil Paintings Of Disney Characters By Heather Theurer

Incredible oil paintings inspired by Disney Characters have recently been created by Heather Theurer. The touch of realism and emotion combined create some very beautiful paintings. The artist specializes in oil painting which can be very skill intensive and detail in such paintings can be a challenge. We have to admit that the Disney portrait…

What If Disney Characters Were Dressed In Modern Clothes

Instagram user Punziella has created a series of illustrations with her favourite Disney characters in a more modern, fashionable attire. The idea is to look at the popular Disney protagonists from a different perspective. From that of a modern day life. Thus, they are all dressed in clothes that we or our friends could be…

Real Life Disney Villain Portraits By Jirka Väätäinen

The Disney characters we love to hate come back with real life portraits. All of it thanks to artist Jirka Väätäinen. The same artist who brought to you Real Life Disney Male Protagonists, this time touches the Disney villains. We’ve seen them animated and have hated them for being evil, for trying to obstruct our protagonists and…

Real Life Disney Male Protagonists By Jirka Väätäinen

Have you ever wondered what the characters of Disney would look like in real life? Jirka Vinse Jonatan Väätäinen answers with a series of illustrations featuring our favourite Disney male protagonists, princes and heroes. The results are quite surprising. The real life characters look similar enough that you wouldn’t confuse them with anyone else. However, at…

Disney Characters On Instagram | Portrayed In Modern Times

What do you think Disney characters would be like if they lived in today’s times? Simona Bonafini has created a series of illustrations depicting what their Instagram posts would be like in these modern times. Simona is an Italian artist who has drawn a lot of cartoon and book characters. This time her collection has a…

Top 10 Disney Villains You Love To Hate

Disney movies have been a defining element of our childhoods, but what about their villains? In all Disney movies along with our hero or heroine, there’s always a villain, someone evil who is trying to either stop, hurt or, in some cases, kill the main character! In most of the movies there’s a clear line…