Indonesia is one of those country people love to get lost in, with immense natural beauty and a lot of little islands better described as small paradises. It is the biggest island country in the world thanks to the huge number of its islands dotting the Pacific Ocean. It is said the country consists of…
Quite surprisingly today we present a Chicken Church! Or as natives call it, Gereja Ayam. This building is located deep in the Indonesian jungle in central Java. What is amusing about the architecture of this building is that it’s shaped as a clucking chicken. It was built in 1990 but has decayed greatly in recent years to the…
If you’re still thinking about your vacation this summer, why not consider one of the pink beaches around the world? Today we present you only the best. Why is the sand pink? This phenomenon happens because the beach along with its sand has millions of tiny crushed shells from little pink sea creatures. If you…
Have you ever wondered what your country’s flag would look like if it was shaped using your country’s cuisine? That’s exactly what this post is about. You will most likely realise after looking at them that some are more accurate representations than others while others seem much more delicious. Fellow lazy penguins take a look and…