The classic Disney movie Bambi, which chronicles the adventures of an adorable little white-tailed deer, has been forever etched in our memories. However, Bambi’s journey has only been one chapter in the long history of interest generated by these creatures, whose physical beauty, along with their graceful movements, has captivated the imagination of human beings long before the beginning of civilization.
In the caves inhabited by Paleolithic humans, cave paintings illustrating deer, elk and other large wild animals that already inhabited the forests of Europe when Neanderthals still traveled our world are frequent. Native Americans, for their part, spent long hours observing and understanding the behavior of these animals, in their quest to understand the true meaning of the acid and the cosmos; thanks to this, the deer were immortalized in their legends as mythical creatures.
Today, Wiccans and Neopagans consider that the change of the seasons is due to the relationship between the horned Celtic god of the forest, Cernunnos, and the Mother goddess, Brighid. The death of the god brings with it the death of the forest, thus announcing the imminent arrival of winter; spring, however, returns when Cernunnos resurrects to fertilize the Mother goddess. Christians, unfortunately, have always tended to identify Cernunnos with Satan, to whom they also attribute the prominent horns trait.
Without further ado, let’s take a look at the best deer tattoos for men!
The Best Deer Tattoos for Men