The Adorable Spiky Echidnas From Australia

Echidna are little creatures with spikes similar to hedgehogs native to Australia. They are also known as spiny anteaters as they resemble them but the truth is they share characteristics from both reptiles and mammals. That is also the reason for their name which refers to a mythological Greek creature that was part snake, part woman….

5 Places in Norfolk That Look Like They’ve Been Taken Out Of Fairy Tales

There is no doubt that Norfolk is one of the most beautiful counties of East England. It is well known for The Broads as well as it’s gorgeous small islands such as Norfolk Island. The Broads consists of a number of lakes and rivers that form a network on the east side of England and…

The Gorgeous And Fluffy Arctic Foxes

Arctic foxes are a distant relative to the red foxes we all know. Also known as polar or white foxes, these adorable creatures are extremely fluffy. In fact, they are part of the fluffiest animals in the world! As you’d expect they can be found in the Northern Hemisphere as they prefer the cold environment….

5 Places in Devon That Look Like They’ve Been Taken Out Of Fairy Tales

Devon is one of the counties of Southern England which was once known as Devonshire. It is a relatively big county in size compared to the others and as such has a lot of beautiful places to see. Today we’re taking a look at 5 of the most fairy tale-like parts of Devon which has shores…

British & American English: Differences

Let’s walk together into this cliché – the differences between British and American English. I am sure every single lazy Penguins can find at least 5 differences. According to Wikipedia: British English (BrE) is the form of English used in the United Kingdom. It includes all English dialects used in the United Kingdom. American English…

How Design and Decorate Your Room For a Better Sleep

Sometimes you can get so stuck in a routine that it can be difficult to change it. Developing a good sleeping pattern can be something that we don’t give a lot of thought to – but we should be! A few tweaks to your bedroom and you could be on your way to a better night’s sleep in no…

Crows Being As Annoying As Corvid-ly Possible

Crows and generally corvids are often found around other birds. Usually they try to steal food but other times they are just being annoying for the sake of being annoying. Today we’re taking a look of such funny examples where corvids dare to pester birds much bigger than they are, and in some cases even…

5 Places in Cumbria That Look Like They’ve Been Taken Out Of Fairy Tales

Cumbria is a lovely part of North-West England described by vast green valleys and lakes giving the county paramount natural beauty. More specifically, its Lake District is a national park visited by many travelers every year both British and foreigners. What is recommend is walking along the lakeside during a calm afternoon or taking a detour…

An African-Inspired Treehouse Has Sprouted Up In London

In order to raise awareness to people in order to travel to South Africa, Virgin Holidays decided to build a South African inspired treehouse on London’s Southbank. The treehouse installation (temporary for a week) was inspired was inspired by the Lion Sands Game Reserve accommodation in South Africa (you do remember it right?). One cool…

Got a new office? Make it look amazing!

The office looks amazing – it’s sleek, sassy, decked in hardwood floors and lets in the kind of sunlight that people bathe in on beaches. Is there any better measure for entrepreneurial success? Indeed, in this age of bedroom businesspeople and globalisation, the need for an office isn’t huge unless you’ve got a large workforce…