10 Places in Holland That Look Like They’ve Been Taken Out Of Fairy Tales

After referring to so many fairytaly places, today we decided to go for the country of Amsterdam, Rotterdam, The Hague, Haarlem, Zoetermeer, Dordrecht, Leiden etc… Holland (used to informally refer to the whole of the country of the Netherlands), a country that has earned its deserved reputation. Picturesque villages and landscapes to be found in…

Cat Buddies Decide To Investigate Frozen Fish

Cat buddies noticed something suspicious as they were passing by what appears to be a nearby frozen pond. What could it be? As they approached they noticed a very familiar silhouette on the ice. That of a fish! Immediately they enter a cautious stance while slowly closing in on their target. However, once they reached…

Oddly Satisfying Images That Are Just Right

Have you ever looked at something and thought “That’s a perfect fit! That’s just right!”. Today we’re looking at oddly satisfying images! This could mean something fitting perfectly into its case or a perfect shape, or a perfect cut. It could be anything but are things that happen so rarely and only when the stars…

Awesome Horror GIFs from Baboon Creation

This project is the result of an awesome collaboration between Horrors, what a captivating word, fellow lazy penguins – most of us do know its etymology from the movies. For those who don’t : an intense feeling of fear, shock, or disgust. “children screamed in horror” synonyms: terror, fear, fear and trembling, fearfulness, fright, alarm,…

Growing Up With Dogs | Before And After

If you’ve ever owned a pet dog, you’ll know what it feels like growing up with one and seeing it get older. Today we’re featuring a series of black and white photos of dogs before and after growing up. It’s a very sensitive topic as, unfortunately, dog’s lifespans are much shorter than humans, which means…

The Most Beautiful Cat In The World Lives In Greece

Chapy is a gorgeous blue eyed bobtail cat living in Greece. With his slogan “Share Chapiness“, he has been doing just that, helping us be chapy with his adorable photos and videos. You might remember him from the most beautiful cats in the world post where he held a prominent spot. However, since then Chapy Cat has grown…

Everyday Astronaut Visits Salt Flats In Utah

An astronaut walking along the Bonneville Salt Flats of Utah and taking pictures. Nothing unusual. Everyday Astronaut is a project by photographer Tim Dodd which features him and, as he calls it, his stupid space suit on different adventures around the world. This time he visited the Bonneville Salt Flats and took some extraordinary shots during…

She Turned Her Parent’s House Into A Monster House For Halloween

Young photographer, artist and model Christine McConnell recently revealed the Halloween decorations she prepared for her parents house. The result is super spooky! With Halloween right around the corner, and with her parent’s permission, Christine started painting and creating all the decorations for the house herself. Many parts of the decorations are made of foam-core board which…

Ethereal Landscape Photography Of Daniel Kordan

Daniel Kordan says, “Light and color inspire people to live and open their hearts to the world”. The particular ethereal art aims to define and show the lives and dreams of the international community& the wonder of this world that is mostly “fairytaling” (we lazily invented this word). Daniel has been traveling around the globe…

Peanut Versions Of Popular TV Show Casts

Grant Davis has created a series of illustrations featuring peanut versions of his favourite TV show casts. The list includes over 30 shows so far and apparently they keep coming. Have you ever imagined what your favourite TV show characters would look like as peanut drawings? Look no further as Grant has you covered. The…