The Most Expensive Soft Drink Brands in the World


Coca-Cola maintains its place in the ranking of the world’s most valuable soft drink brands, with a steady increase of 10 percent. The most valuable soft drink brands in the world for this 2020 were presented by Brand Finance. If you want to know which they are, keep reading. Last April, several analysts reported that…

The Most Expensive Candy Companies in the World

Ferrero Group

Some of the owners of the best-selling candy companies have also made the list of the richest people in the world. Without a doubt, many love to create and consume sweets, but everything indicates that selling them is a very profitable business. According to the National Association of Wholesale Grocers (ANAM), the confectionery reached annual sales…

6 Necessary Things That Farmers Must Know For Their Safety

The number of agricultural workers that fall victim to grievous injuries while at work is significant and merits closer attention to get rid of potential threats. Not only injuries but as many as 416 personnel (as per Occupational Safety and Health figures) involved with farms die annually from injuries resulting from their work. Additionally, every…

The Importance of Having a Solid IT Strategy for Your Business

Whether you hire in-house IT experts or outsource to experienced technical support staff, having strong IT services is crucial for the competence and growth of any business. By outsourcing this function, you maximize the benefits of relying on innovative technologies for your business operations. Today’s customers and clients prefer to work with businesses that can…