The Best Restaurants In The World According To TheGuardian

Sometimes you deserve to spoil yourself and have dinner at the best restaurant. What happens if you don’t know which the best restaurants are though? TheGuardian has created a list of the top restaurants in the world for 2015. Each of them is located in a different country so there’s a good chance you can…

Three Days Eating In Iceland | Culinary Trip

Are you familiar with Iceland? Have you ever wondered what kind of food is traditional and what kind of food is considered gourmet in Iceland? A couple from Reddit went on a culinary trip for three days to Iceland, and during that time tried more dishes than most of us could probably handle in a…

Office Turns Fruit Chews Into Food Sculptures

After a trade show involving fruit chews, people in the office began creating food sculptures. It started out with a simple hot dog but ended up being a huge contest. The coworker began participating and trying to challenge each other into creating the most detailed food sculpture. As you’ll see from the images, that escalated…

Snake Cafe In Tokyo, Japan

We have seen all kind of cafes fellow lazy penguins, black cat café, dog café, bird café etc…but never a snake café. At the Tokyo Snake Center, in Tokyo’s Harajuku shopping district (in August the 14th 2015) there were seen snakes in the coffee shop. Under their belt there is a collection of 35 non-venomous…

Traditional Easter Food For Every Country Around The World

With Easter around the corner, let’s talk about Easter cuisine around the world! As with most special occasions and festivities, countries tend to have traditional food, specific to that country to celebrate or remember something significant from their heritage and history. Easter is no exception, and if I may, it’s one of the most delicious…

Amazing National Flags Made To Represent Each Country’s Cuisine

Have you ever wondered what your country’s flag would look like if it was shaped using your country’s cuisine? That’s exactly what this post is about. You will most likely realise after looking at them that some are more accurate representations than others while others seem much more delicious. Fellow lazy penguins take a look and…

World’s Most Expensive Red Wines

Wine is the most healthful and most hygienic of beverages.”  ― Louis Pasteur ― As a lazy penguin I will have to agree with Louis but I cannot accept for them to be so expensive – that means that I will never get the chance of a getting a sip of them. They say that the…

World’s Most Original Product Packagings

Some companies invest in making their product successful by giving it a unique appearance. However, how many of them actually achieve their goal? Today, fellow lazy penguins, we present you world’s most original product packagings. Some of them are unusual while others are funny. Either way they leave an strong impression which is great for…

World’s Most Expensive Burgers

An expensive burger? We have written about expensive cars, expensive shampoos & beds, but hamburgers? Big Mac or some burger from Burger King (actually there is one from BK in the list) is probably wandering in your mind right now – I don’t blame you, I love Big Macs too(even though I am a lazy…

The 20 most unique and original Cake ideas

Cakes are always present whether it’s for birthdays, weddings, engagements, graduations or any other kind of festivity. How many of them are original and unique though? Some of them are genuinely  made from the heart specially for the person or people they’re for while others are simply spectacular or funny. Cake ideas portray the creativity…