Intellectual Property Needs to Be Protected – Here’s Why

Startups, small businesses, big corporations, and innovators have several things in common, one of them is intellectual property (IP). There are different IP rights and policies that provide legal guarantee and ownership of your ideas, products, slogans, and methods. Without protection, everything you post or provide to the public is free to use without legal…

3 Key Digital Habits to Stopping Hackers in Their Tracks

The digital migration has brought with it a plethora of benefits. Marketing is easier now, and businesses can compete on a more level playing field. But on the flipside is a concern we cannot afford to ignore: cybersecurity. Cybercrime has not only become more prevalent, but it has also ceased being a large-corporation problem. Everyone,…

Things To Do to Correct Bad Posture Due to Online Gaming

There is nothing more intense and satisfying than a good gaming session. From playing a long single-player campaign, to gaming online with your friends, video games can provide a great outlet when you have free time. One of the major downsides to video games, however, is the posture problems that come along with it. We…