World Health Organization has declared 2020 as the first-ever international year of nurse and midwife. The timing is not random as this year also marks the 200th birth anniversary of Florence Nightingale — a social reformer who laid the foundation of the nursing profession. In 1860 she established the world-first secular nursing school that opened…
Ever had a tattoo on your forearm? If yes then you will already know that it is the right place to write a message or keep a simple minimalist tattoo design.
We’ve made many technological strides in the past 20 years. From the iPhone to Segways, these are the major inventions that changed the world. Ever since Marty McFly took his first ride in the DeLorean, our eyes were open to all the cool possibilities of the future. From flying cars to video conferencing, who could…
If you are interested in tattoos of lotus flowers (Nelumbo nucifera), you have come to the right place.
When the subject of vacation comes up, the first thing that comes to the minds of most people is travelling to another place. However, there are also those who consider a staycation, or a vacation that doesn’t entail the need for travel. Regardless of whether you intend to travel or spend some quiet time within…
While the 21st century is characterized by advances in technology, it’s undeniable that the education industry is moving towards online training. Basically, the benefits of online training are immeasurable, from reduced cost and flexibility to the ability to reach a large number of students globally. Even better, students can get help for specific subjects no…
Golf is fundamentally all about the swing, but as any player will tell you, the perfect swing doesn’t exist. Instead, the golf swing needs to be broken up into smaller individual techniques. Get these right and your whole game will be transformed. First, you have to identify the areas that need addressing and this can…
It is common to think that only large animals are chosen for tattoos. But, the boar is proof that size has nothing to do with capabilities.
Are you wondering how long does an employer have to fix a payroll error? If yes, you should click here to learn more about payroll mistakes. Mistakes are common, but when that mistake involves payroll, it is a serious issue. Whether the problem is overpayment or underpayment, it is something that needs to be fixed…
Earbuds are things we tend to use in daily life, so it’s worth getting a really good pair. Here seven things you should know before buying earphones. When searching for headphones, you can find some that range between $50 to $500. If you’re going to spend that much money on earbuds, you want to make…