In Japan Your Wedding Witness Can Be An Alpaca

Here comes a random question, dear lazy penguins: Do you know what an alpaca is ? It is a South American camelid (similar to a llama). We all know by now that wedding is a sacred ceremony taking place in various cultures around the world. Usually they are very excessively expensive with many people attending…

The Top 10 Most Beautiful Infinity Pools In The World

Do you know which are the most amazing infinity pools in the world? Join us to find out. Today we explore the whole world for the best resorts with the most incredible infinity pools to offer. What are infinity pools? They are pools who appear as if they don’t end, thus infinite, as if their…

5 Unexpected Perks of an Activity Holiday

For anybody that has been on an activity holiday, you are all too familiar with the puzzled reactions of people back home when you try and express just how amazing the trip was. It’s probably quite a hard concept to grasp for those “lazy penguins” that have never dared to venture outside the realms of…

Top 5 Spots in Europe for a Cheap Holiday Weekend

Any destination can be affordable if you know the right places to go and the best people to ask, dear lazy penguins. Locals can often be the key to finding amazing restaurants with cheap prices or bars which have deals that can make both you and your wallet happy. Europe is a fantastic continent for…

20 surprisingly strange images on Google Maps

Have you ever used Google maps? I have done it, many times – stop wondering how a penguin does it, just take it for granted! With Google Maps you can see the place you were born, the Pyramids, the Parthenon, the Fiji islands – in a few words you can see whatever you cannot reach…

20 chameleonic body paintings to trick your eye

Today we introduce to you Trina Merry, a very talented artist. She’s able to create pretty realistic landscapes, art decó, motor vehicles.. everything you can imagine goes out of her hands! But how does she do it..? As you can guess from our featured image, she doesn’t need expensive and rare materials to craft any objects….

Some extremely impressive infinity pools around the world

An infinity pool is a swimming pool which produces a visual effect extending to the horizon, or disappears- extends to the infinite illusion, hence its name. This type of pool is very expensive because it requires an architectural design and very sophisticated and complex engineering. It also assumes that you want to create the illusion…