A series of illustrations by Andrew Tarusov shows the lives of our favourite Looney Tunes characters in their retired years. The depictions of the characters are quite harsh as they contain many brutally realistic elements, that one would not normally even consider associating with the cartoons of our childhood. This involves medical conditions, addictions, poverty…
A lot of artists around the world have recreated the famous My Neighbor Totoro scene by drawing into it different characters from other shows and universes in many different variations. My neighbor Totoro is a well known animated film by Studio Ghibli, directed by the prestigious Hayao Miyazaki. The scene that inspired artists to draw…
What do you think Disney characters would be like if they lived in today’s times? Simona Bonafini has created a series of illustrations depicting what their Instagram posts would be like in these modern times. Simona is an Italian artist who has drawn a lot of cartoon and book characters. This time her collection has a…
Today we present amazing pieces of art mostly centered around animals drawn by Jay Fleck. He is a talented designer and illustrator from Illinois who has created several prints of animals in adorable and, most times, weird concepts. Most of his prints are sold in the form of products such as curtains, clothes, rugs and more….
Pascal’s works are a great example of how the correct lighting in art can create a magnificent atmosphere and make them seem like they’re moving! Pascal Campion is a French-American artist who has become very popular for his “Sketch of the Day” which is him drawing a new image everyday. All his works are heavily…
Every time you look at the clouds during a sunny day, don’t you look for patterns or shapes? This is what Martin Feijoó when he decided to start drawing clouds into the first thing that came to his mind once he saw them. Martin Feijoó, an artist from Argentina currently living and working in Madrid, Spain,…
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