The Most Adorable Fluffy Baby Donkeys

Baby Donkey

Baby donkeys also known as foals are so cute you’ll want to snuggle and pet one after you see the images below! When they are young their fur seems even fluffier than when they’re older and their big ears will definitely captivate you! The domesticated donkey that has been used as a working animal since…

Dogs Safe And Cool With Special Snowboard Goggles

Rex Specs

Recently a series of goggles have been made especially for dogs called Rex Specs. The goggles are meant to protect the dogs’ eyes as well as giving them a touch of style. What’s special about the goggles is that they are specifically made for different types of dogs in order to be comfortable. they are…

Roll Up Like An Adorable Pangolin


Pangolin are the adorable animals that look like a combination of armadillos and anteaters. They appear to have a scaly shell all over their body and they have very long tongues like anteaters. They live inside trees and they’re mostly active during the night. While sleeping they tend to roll up which is what their…

Manatees Are The Floaty Potatoes Of The Sea World


Manatees are the big docile aquatic animals you’ll see floating about seemingly aimlessly. They are also known as sea cows, but comically people also call them floaty potatoes. The reason for this is that they move relatively slow and they weight over half a ton. Also they spend most of their day sleeping underwater and…

The Adorable Mixture Of Animals That Are Platypus

Platypus is truly a unique species of animal. After looking at it one will think it’s a crazy combination of different animals. In fact, it is true that it shares features from many other species. For example it has a duckbill just like that of a duck but in a dark colour. Its tail looks…

Yellow Boxfish Is One Of The Weirdest Fish In The World

The fish species known as Yellow Boxfish are very bizarre both in appearance and behaviour. They belong to the vast species of Boxfishes and live in the reefs of The Pacific Ocean. Their bodies are relatively small although their size can reach up to 45 centimeters! What’s unusual is the shape which as the name…

African Penguins Strolling Along The Beach

It’s finally time to talk about ourselves. A post dedicated to penguins was needed. More specifically we’re looking at African penguins, one of the gorgeous penguin species that can be found in South African shores. It’s well known to be a very charismatic species and people all over the world want to see them during their…

The Majestic Stingrays Of Tropical Oceans

Are you familiar with Stingrays? They’re those majestic cartilaginous fish that appearing to be flapping their wings in the middle of the ocean. Stingrays belong the Ray family of fish just like Manta Rays. They love tropical islands and can usually be found in big groups. They are also friendly with humans and you’ll often see…

The Unique Cuteness Of Anteater Babies

As their name implies, Anteaters are the mammals that feed on termites and ants thanks to their long tongues. Although it might seem unexpected, they are most closely related to sloths than any other mammal in the their animal family. The anteater babies usually ride on top of their mothers and are one of the…