Sleep Among The Stars With Galaxy Bedding Sets

Do you feel like changing your bedding sets to something less boring and more profound? Then you might want to take a look at these amazing galaxy bedding sets. As you may know fellow readers, being the lazy penguins that we are, lying in bed is one of our favourite things. However, the galaxy bedding…

Portraits by IMPREINT | We Are United

This post dear lazy penguins is about balloons, love, connection, imperfection and yet beautifulness. A few years ago IMPREINT painted 1000 balloons on paper. During the process of painting them, he was always thinking about the people, since they were all different, imperfect, yet all of them beautiful. Inspired and moved by this, he started…

Disney Characters On Instagram | Portrayed In Modern Times

What do you think Disney characters would be like if they lived in today’s times? Simona Bonafini has created a series of illustrations depicting what their Instagram posts would be like in these modern times. Simona is an Italian artist who has drawn a lot of cartoon and book characters. This time her collection has a…

Cage Balconies with Miniatures Attached to a Building

Isaac Cordal – an artist who is sympathetic toward his little people, brought into existence cages in small balconies with miniature characters (in them) on the facade of a building in Lodz (Poland). Given the title “Sasiedzi” (“neighbors”), the particular artwork demonstrates protagonists (little people) who are isolated, trying to be together but without conceiving…

Cats In Aristocratic Classical Portraits | The Hermitage Court Cats

Have you ever wondered what cats would look like in aristocratic attire drawn as classical portraits? Well, today you’ll find out! This is what you didn’t know you needed to see. The artist’s name is Eldar Zakirov. He’s a young designer and illustrator from Tashkent who among other paintings has a a series of cat…

10 Places in The United Kingdom That Look Like They’ve Been Taken Out Of Fairy Tales

We have only had the opportunity to see Scotland‘s photos till now (SCO  is part of the UK). We will take the opportunity to share with you lazy friends as many spectacular photos/information as possible. The United Kingdom is the place where Shakespeare, The Beatles and many others were born –  Located in the north-western Europe,…

Vivid And Trippy Art Of Well Known Movie Characters

Welcome to art class. Today’s teacher is Nicky Barkla, a young professional artist from Australia. The lesson is illustrating well known and liked characters from TV shows and movies in a unique way. And by unique, we mean trippy. Each of the pieces features a generous mix of many colours resulting in an extremely vivid…

Remarkably Detailed Drawings Showing the Harm We’ve Done to Earth

The series of paintings below (named: Yin Tang) was created by McCann Worldgroup – India. As we already know the natural disasters & environmental hazards have resulted to the disproportion of the conditional state of our environment ( we lazy penguins know well about this matter). For that reason they came up with the idea…

Amazing Surreal Illustrations Of Animals By Jay Fleck

Today we present amazing pieces of art mostly centered around animals drawn by Jay Fleck. He is a talented designer and illustrator from Illinois who has created several prints of animals in adorable and, most times, weird concepts. Most of his prints are sold in the form of products such as curtains, clothes, rugs and more….

Chinese Farmers Turn Rice-Paddies Into Impressive Works Of Art

In Northeast Chinas Shenyang city, some Chinese rice farmers have started to plant their crops in order to do 3D murals (453,000 square meters) that are very large and of traditional & contemporary subjects. Their city might attract tourist to their region by this move while the rice farmers have been assigned the responsibility producing…