Awesomely Creative Packaging Designs by Anagrama

Fellow Lazy Penguins, the packaging compilation below from Anagrama studio demonstrates the distinctiveness of their workshop. Their design is combined with designs of: shoes, tea, clothing pastries, business welcome kits, ink, soap, pillows, wipes, face creams, floor tiles, hardware tools, oil, coffee wine & chocolate. Need to get in touch with them so they can…

The Avengers Illustrated In A Dark Fantasy Theme

After Age of Ultron, The Avengers once again garnered a lot of attention. This time a deviantart artist took it upon himself to redraw all of the Avengers in a medieval dark fantasy theme. The artist goes by the username theDURRRRIAN and recently finished his series of illustration of all our favourite Marvel superheroes. The artwork looks…

Fall of Star Wars Battleships in Big Cities By Nicolas Amiard

Nicolas Amiard is a graphic designer, a talented digital artist and an art director based in Paris (France for those lazy penguins not good in geography) – Nicolas frames while imagining the concurrence of fantasy &  reality by assembling them in contemporary cityscapes and the star wars series.  He has imagined the fall of different…

Gorgeous Siberian Cats Brace Themselves For Winter

Our feline friends make a comeback in this article with their representatives this time being the gorgeous Siberian cats! It was only recently that we talked about the most beautiful cats in the world, but we may have missed a few! The photos below were captured by Russian photographer Alla Lebedeva who managed to get…

World’s Most Expensive Gaming Setups

If you have a crazy hobby and are willing to pay for it (I mean really pay for it) by spending extraordinary amounts for a gaming item then the Lazy Penguins will take a bow to you dear game lover. Lately, gaming does not only produce passion, it takes you to another level called obsession…

5 Unexpected Perks of an Activity Holiday

For anybody that has been on an activity holiday, you are all too familiar with the puzzled reactions of people back home when you try and express just how amazing the trip was. It’s probably quite a hard concept to grasp for those “lazy penguins” that have never dared to venture outside the realms of…

Zookeepers All Over The World Are Reenacting The Famous Jurassic World Scene

If you’ve already seen the latest movie of Universal Pictures, Jurassic World, then you must also be familiar with the much talked about scene where Chris Pratt is training the raptors. Even if you haven’t seen the film, a small part of this scene appears in many trailers for the movie. What’s special about that…

10 Places in Romania That Look Like They’ve Been Taken Out Of Fairy Tales

My dear Lazy Penguins, after getting to know two beautiful Balkan countries (Albania, Greece) we decided to go for a third one – Romania! Located in Southeastern-Central Europe, Romania has always been associated with the legend of Dracula, the country is encircled by Carpathian Mountains ( famous for trekking, climbing and natural thermal spas). Romania…

Incredible Mechanical Sculptures Made Of Recycled Watch Parts

Do you throw away your old watch once you get a new one? Justin Gershenson-Gates didn’t. He gave the recycled parts a new purpose. A very artistic one. He turned the old watch parts into mechanical (or mech for short) sculptures, giving them the shape of different insects and arachnids. Needless to say they all look…

World’s Most Expensive Lego Sets

Fellow Lazy Penguins, I know that once in your lifetime you have owned (or stolen one from a friend) a Lego piece. Did you know that Lego is Danish? (Denmark in Europe, if you want to refresh your memory). It was first built in 1949 and it comes from the Danish phrase leg godt, which…