Memorable Black And White Historical Photos Digitally Coloured

Many artists around the world love to remaster, enhance and, in this case, colour historical photos. They photos they choose to work with are usually memorable moments from the course of human history. They hold an important meaning and incredible value. Some of them remind us of the hardships and struggles our ancestors had to…

World’s Most Expensive Laptops

We live in a world where technology speeds up every second by leaving the “last second” out of date. I remember my first PC was a huge piece which was running on a Pentium 1 (God that was slow, I needed like 5 minutes to go from a file to the other!). As a matter…

World’s Most Original Product Packagings

Some companies invest in making their product successful by giving it a unique appearance. However, how many of them actually achieve their goal? Today, fellow lazy penguins, we present you world’s most original product packagings. Some of them are unusual while others are funny. Either way they leave an strong impression which is great for…

World’s Most Expensive Men Shoes

The other day we spoke about things that can “complete” a man – if I am not mistaken they were expensive suits, watches, cigars etc… one thing we forgot to add in that list was the “shoes” my dear penguins! Mastering on how to match the color of your shoes with your clothes is something…

Mind-Blowing Photos From Scenic Locations Around The World

If you have been following lazy penguins then it’s possible that you’ve already checked the 15 of the Most Scenic Islands in the World or Breathtaking views from around the world and if so you’re probably wondering what more could there be? Well fellow readers, simply put, a lot. It’s because our world is so beautiful and amazing! There’s always…

World’s Most Expensive Mobile Phones

I woke up this morning thinking about mobile phones. As a penguin I own a very simple Nokia 3210, you know, the antique ones. That’s because there is no 3g or 4g connection here in Antarctica. Speaking about phones, did you know that one of the most expensive mobile phones can reach a peak of…

Artist Transforms Clouds Into Creative Illustrations

Every time you look at the clouds during a sunny day, don’t you look for patterns or shapes? This is what Martin Feijoó when he decided to start drawing clouds into the first thing that came to his mind once he saw them. Martin Feijoó, an artist from Argentina currently living and working in Madrid, Spain,…

World’s Most Expensive T-Shirts

If you put the word T-shirt on Google, you will get this result: noun: Tshirt, a short-sleeved casual top, generally made of cotton, having the shape of a T when spread out flat. I have to confess, that even I, a sexy penguin, love T-shirts, not only because they are very comfy but also because…

The Most Beautiful Aerial Shots Of New York City | Night Over NYC

Have you ever seen New York City? At night? From above? The following aerial shots taken by Vincent Laforet will sate your curiosity and blow your mind. The shots show how beautiful NYC looks at night. Looking at it from so high above, the city could be compared to a circuit board from an 80s’…

The Amazing Design Of The New Canadian Passport Under Black Light

Canadians are known to be creative when it comes to their legal documents but this time they outdid themselves! More specifically, we’re talking about the new Canadian passports which feature a new design. On the outside they seem just like any other passport but inside, the pages are designed in such a way that when…