I don’t know why humans love animals in general, they should be more specific and love penguins only (that was a bit selfish) 😉 . I think it is because we don’t speak and whatever we do, for them is adorable and funny : ) Apart from that most of us are friendly and a…
Good morning fellow lazy penguins, I hope you enjoyed the post with “The loneliest houses in beautiful secluded spots around the world” because this time we will have a look at some impressively beautiful satellite photos that will make you even laziiiiier! If you haven’t heard anything about Daily Overview, it is a project that…
This time we’ll be looking at some gorgeous pictures taken from photographers around the world, with one common theme, lonely houses. That’s right fellow lazy penguins, this time we put aside our laziness for a little while to focus on our lonely side… You’ll be amazed at how beautiful and serene the landscape around these…
The Twins (two identical offspring from the division of a fertilized egg) are quite common in many animal species such as cats, sheep, deer, etc. Interesting is the case of sheep in which twins are conceived only in the case that there is enough food when the sheep are pregnant. In other animal species, twins…
Welcome to this colorful post! This time we’re looking at the most colorful animals in the world. Take a second before scrolling down to try and guess which animals are part of the list. Then when you scroll down check and see how many you guessed correctly. You’ll surely be surprised with many of the…
We are all afraid of something (even penguins my friend), but when the fear is carried to the extreme, it becomes a phobia. Fear can or cannot be provoked, it is something inherent in human beings and it is said that there could be as many phobias as there are people in our world (people,…
Prosthetic leg designs have come a long way. Fairings have helped extremely with that, as well as all the great artists and designers who have given their best to create true pieces of art. Unfortunately, life holds in store grim times for some people. However, there are those that don’t allow it to get to…
Presently photography is considered as art, a simple camera like the brush and the canvas has become an indispensable tool for many artists that do express their emotions via the particular tool. But like most contemporary arts, the idea of a photo is even more important than the work itself – the idea of the…
Once upon a time there was a festivity celebrated by people called Halloween. During Halloween people tricked or treated others, partied and mainly wore costumes which were usually scary. That’s the tale as most people know it. However we, lazy penguins, know as truth that there is another event that is far more important and…
It is well known that the brain can deceive us, same thing happens with the sight, smell , in short it can happen with everything, perhaps we live deceived from the moment we were born (perhaps..). It is said that reality is what we can touch and feel but sometimes even that deceives. Anyways, that’s…