Artist Transforms Clouds Into Creative Illustrations

Every time you look at the clouds during a sunny day, don’t you look for patterns or shapes? This is what Martin Feijoó when he decided to start drawing clouds into the first thing that came to his mind once he saw them. Martin Feijoó, an artist from Argentina currently living and working in Madrid, Spain,…

20 of the smallest animals in the world

It is true that animals can come in all sizes, small – medium – large and extra large, there are some animals that are very “petite”. I am not talking about penguins because you know that we go in the medium scale (some of us can step up in the large scale). Some of the…

20 facts about animals that will make you smile

I don’t know why humans love animals in general, they should be more specific and love penguins only  (that was a bit selfish) 😉 . I think it is because we don’t speak and whatever we do, for them is adorable and funny : ) Apart from that most of us are friendly and a…

20 animal twins that are tough to tell apart

The Twins (two identical offspring from the division of a fertilized egg) are quite common in many animal species such as cats, sheep, deer, etc. Interesting is the case of sheep in which twins are conceived only in the case that there is enough food when the sheep are pregnant.  In other animal species, twins…

The most colorful animals in the world

Welcome to this colorful post! This time we’re looking at the most colorful animals in the world. Take a second before scrolling down to try and guess which animals are part of the list. Then when you scroll down check and see how many you guessed correctly. You’ll surely be surprised with many of the…

Halloween is for animals too! | Funniest animal costumes

Once upon a time there was a festivity celebrated by people called Halloween. During Halloween people tricked or treated others, partied and mainly wore costumes which were usually scary. That’s the tale as most people know it. However we, lazy penguins, know as truth that there is another event that is far more important and…

The fluffiest animals in the world

Cute? Check. Furry? Check. Fluffy? Guaranteed! Today fellow lazy penguins in our company are other species of animals which we may or may not get very well along with but share one thing in common! Fluffiness! These adorable animals whether free or domesticated never miss a chance to show off their lovely fur to the…

27 Photos of Animals and their adorable Mini-me versions

You’ve surely noticed it in the past. The moment when you look at an animal and you see there by its side, its adorable baby, looking more similar than ever. You must have seen it at least once, whether it was from your pets, your friends’ pets or from TV or even the internet. The…

21 animal shaped buildings from around the world

Flinston shaped house or duck shaped one could made the day of every animation lover – these are some of the examples of the houses that you will see throughout the article. Personally, I love building that have various shape and do not like building that are “block shaped” & painted in a monotone grey…

Underwater dogs steal your heart to find a home

The name of this author, Seth Casteel, may be familiar to you… perhaps for his volunteering collaboration with animal shelters, perhaps for being the New York Times Best Selling Author of Underwater Dogs, the best selling photography book of 2012. The story of this award-winning photographer started in 2007, when Seth began volunteering with animal rescues all…